Hello ladies
How are we all doing?
I’ve had this post ready for a few days now but with the current situation in Nigeria at the moment I just didn’t feel right posting it. As the days go by and as the #bringbackourgirls momentum gathers I pray for the safe return of the girls and pray for peace through the world.

Post mini trim at 11 weeks post, very poofy at the roots and a lil harder to manage but its a good problem to have
I decided to trim my ends a little.
Whenever I mention to people around me that I am going to trim my hair I get perplexed “why” from them.
I trimmed to remove ends that are really really old and have seen better days, i.e. weak, damaged and thin ends.
Also my goal length is waist length. Even after my trim it is a little past waist length but I guess I will trim again probably when I texlax in July or August. I am not gonna lie, I still find it a bit hard to cut off more than two inches at a time. Hopefully by August I won’t chicken out again.
I am not sure how much hair I trimmed off. I put my hair in 12 small sections and I assessed the ends of each section and trimmed what I thought needed to come off.
I’ve been really good on this front. I have not skipped on moisturising and sealing daily and my hair is better for it. It feels softer and looks better. I am currently 10 or 11 weeks post and have some new growth so I make sure my roots are well moisturised to prevent excessive dryness and breakage at the line of demarcation. I’ve been using s-curl on my new growth and so far so good.

My last wash day, air dried hair with just my leave ins ( Aphogee Green Tea and my mix of Cantu Shea butter and S-Curl.
I have sooooo missed my wigs. I am going to transition into my wig regimen in the next few days and frankly I can’t wait. Because of all the new growth, everything is taking longer and longer to do so when I put it away my hair care will seem like a breeze.
It is much easier for me to manage my hair under my wigs and I don’t have to tamper or manipulate it as much. Remember less manipulation equals better length retention.
So thats my hair update. How is your hair journey going? Some of you send me your progress pictures (which I really do appreciate and welcome). I am glad to see your hard work paying off.
I think I am going to start blog features soon so that ladies who are interested can share their hair journey and inspire others.
I haven’t forgotten that style pictorial which is coming up next. Stay blessed.
U av become my hair mentor .U av no idea how your blog has helped ,informed and encouraged me and I am rili seeing results,pple around me testify and I av bin refering dem to hairducation.pls ma,I av a question pls! Wat do u tink of hair vitamins and wic wld u recommend?tanks awaiting ur responds
Hello Mercy
I am so so so so so happy for you!!! Its one thing when you see progress but its great that those around you can see an improvement too.
Thanks for referring them to Hairducation.
Choosing to use hair vitamins is a personal decision. I never used hair vitamins as part of my hair journey but know some ladies who do. personally I prefer to TRY to have a good diet, exercise as regularly as possible and basically trying to take good care of myself.
If you think you want to try hair vitamins I would say make sure you do proper reaserch and then decide.
Hope that helps and happy hair journey
I just started my hair journey today and I’m so excited about what the results will be in the days weeks months and years to come. Thanks for taking time out to do this. It’s very informative
Thank you Zainab. Best of luck on the journey. let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the lovely post…if i were close to you i would probably be one of those people begging you not to cut your hair lol.
How is my hair journey going? Right now….my hair is driving me crazy! its just so dry and moisturising and sealing is something i now do sooo many times a day some days i just baggy my hair throughout the day. Yesterday i decided to notch up my game and i have started co washing and plan to add honey to my deep conditioner…any other advice from you would be helpfull.
sorry for the long post…just pouring my heart out:-)
Hey Juditherese
Seems like you are on the right track already. When we start our hair journeys some ladies find it beneficial to use only moistire product for a few weeks to hydrate their hair properly before gradually introducing protein products.
If you have been on your hair journey for a while I would advise you to review your moisture protein balance, maybe you need to reduce your protein and increase your moisture use…and check your products, ensure your moisturising products don’t contain high levels of protein ingredients.
Adding the cowash is great.
Hope that helps a bit,
yes it does help… Thank you!
Hi thanks so much for your help Lade I talked to my mum and showed her pictures of ladies who have achieved long hair, and we’re both going on a hair journey together 🙂 she’s gonna buy for me products and she says that she will use less heat on my hair.
Thank you soo much for your help! I’m still too jealous of your hair…. Gimme your hair.
P.S when you said the thing about people sending pics I started giggling 🙂
I am glad you and your mum are now eye to eye on the hair front. So pleased she is starting a hair journey too….I hope you keep each other motivated.
lol on the compliment. thank you.
Guess we may see your picture on Hairducation sooon.
x Lade
Adanna its realy nice of your mum to join you on your hair journey! it just majes the journey easier. my mum on the other hand was not encouraging because she had her hair more than armpit length long in her youthful days. she didnt believe taking special care of your hair would make a difference in length. But the last time she relaxed my hair she told me ‘its working o… your hair is getting longer’ lol.
Goodluck with your hair journey!
This really made me laugh in a good way. Glad your mum now knows that good hair care works.
That’s what i call a bun of life!!
Thanks much Tolu
It annoys me that after moisturising and sealing for a few days my bun gets smaller and smaller.
Oh well…its all part of the journey I guess.
Hi lade, just wanted to ask if you plait cornrows underneath your wigs? i just started my hair care journey I’m barely three months gone. My hair loss has drastically reduced, how ever the relaxed parts have almost entirely fallen off. My new growth is tempting me to relax my hair. I’m not sure if i should plait my hair whilst using wigs?
Hello Sheba
I have box braids (calabar) under my wigs. You can also have cornrows under your wigs if you prefer.
Are you transitioning to natural???? if you are not, its not a good thing if your relaxed hair has “fallen” off.
if you are simply stretching your relaxer please read my blog posts on stretching successfully.