Forgive me for the mini hiatus, my laptop and my fast-link refused to work together. My laptop has now been exorcized and I can update the blog at last.
So on with the post……..
In my teens, I washed my hair with anything that produced lather, I thought deep conditioning was just extra wahala for those who had the time, I would spend hours creating hairstyles with curling irons just for fun, I blow dried on the highest heat settings, the list goes on and on. The fact is when you don’t know, you don’t know. I did not know what good or bad for my hair.
So I thought I should do a post setting out some of the common things we do to our hair without realising that it may cause damage and breakage.
Heat can be a friend or a foe to a black woman’s hair depending on whether it is direct heat or indirect heat.
Heat applied for deep conditioning and steaming are examples of indirect heat. Indirect heat is beneficial for our hair because it assists with product penetration. Roller setting is also regarded as indirect heat.
Heat from hand driers, hair straighteners and curling tongs are examples of direct heat.
Direct heat appliances work by evaporating the hair’s internal moisture rapidly and temporarily re-arranging some of the hair’s internal bonds. This is why blow drying dries hair quickly or curling irons creates curls in seconds.
With consistent use and improper preparation, direct heat can greatly damage our hair by increasing its dryness making it more prone to breakage.
I would advise that you cut down the use of direct heat as much as possible. For example:
- Try to air dry instead of blow drying, or if you blow dry, use the coolest setting on your hand dryer.
- If you intend to use a straightener or curling tong, ensure your hair is clean, deep conditioned and a leave in conditioner has been applied, prior to using the heat appliance. Also choose the lower temperature settings when using such tools to minimise the risk of burning.
- A heat protectant hair product should also be used before applying direct heat.
I am not saying don’t ever use direct heat, my message is that it should be used very minimally in a healthy hair regimen.
Our hair like other parts of our bodies will not take care of its self. We regularly take care of our teeth between visits to the dentist; you wouldn’t go for a facial and then completely ignore your skin till the next appointment. Many of us however completely neglect our hair between salon visits.
This is something I used to be very guilty of before I started my hair journey.
There has to be some degree of at home hair care between salon visits. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to read the how to care for black hair section of this site. This will give you some guidance on what black hair needs to thrive.
So for example, if you are leaving your hair out, are you moisturising regularly? Are you wearing a protective hair style, is your hair covered at night when you sleep? Etc.
If your hair is in extensions, how are you keeping your hair and scalp clean? Is your hair being moisturised? etc.
A post of how to care for your own hair when wearing extensions will be on the site soon. So please stay tuned.

Damage I caused to my hair at beginning of my hair journey. I used to be very aggressive when combing the middle section of my hair and this is the result.
Many of us are convinced that our hair is stronger than that of other races, that it is tough and can withstand aggressive pulling, the weight of extensions, can go for months without being washed, etc. The opposite is true. Our hair is delicate. It is more fragile than that of other races and must be handled with care. From cleansing through to styling, at every stage, be gentle with your hair. Give it some TLC. Treat it like fine silk, not like khaki!
Ensure your hair care tools are in good shape.
If your comb or hair styling accessories are broken or cracked, throw it away. The sharp edges of the broken part will damage your hair cuticles and can tear your hair.
If you use your fingers to detangle your hair, ensure your nails are smooth so they don’t snag or break your hair.
So take a second look at your tools and accessories (and those used at the salon). Ensure they are good condition.
I have addressed relaxers and how they work in a previous post. However I thought I should reiterate on this post that hair should not be relaxer more frequently than every 8 weeks. Also it is essential for correct procedures to be followed when hair is being relaxed to prevent severe scalp injuries and hair loss. Please see this post for a step by step guide on procedures to be followed when relaxing.
I hope you find this post helpful and that it encourages you to be more cautious with your hair.
Learn | Change | Grow
Pls wat can i do 2 my hair my hair is seriously breaking & do straigning it,dying it & i just change my relaxer 2 mega growth regular pls wat can i do.My fb name is ojolowo akanbi funmi.Thanks
Hello Mrs Akanbi
There are so many factors that causes hair to break. Poor diet, stress hormonal issues are some examples of things that may cause excessive shedding.
However in a lot of cases the problem is lack of proper hair care. I would suggest that you read the How To Care for Black Hair Guide on this site. This will help you learn the basics of caring for your hair so that you can minimise breakage. The gist of it is that you need to have a hair care regimen
good luck