Hello ladies

How are we all doing?  I hope your hair journeys are still going well.  It has been so lovely to meet some of you when I am out and about in Lagos.  Life is still pretty busy for me but I realise now that I simply have to work harder on all fronts including blogging.

It is so easy to get caught up in hair products and hair care techniques that sometimes we forget that what we eat and how we treat ourselves affects our hair growth and hair loss.  I am certainly guilty of this and perhaps this blog post can remind us all about the many benefits of having a good diet.



Following on from my blog post about exercise and how it helps to encourage hair growth, I would like to discuss in this post the even more important topic of healthy eating and why it is essential for a lush head of hair.

The stronger and healthier the strands of hair we grow, the easier it will be for us to prevent the hair from breaking.  When we don’t eat right even though hair growth may continue, the strands of hair we grow will be weaker and thinner than what they ought to be.  Also our hair is likely to grow slower than it should when our diet is poor.

If I am honest my diet isn’t always the best but I certainly notice that when I go through one of my healthy lifestyle phases my skin looks good, I feel great and energized, my hair grows faster and my shedding reduces as well.
My biggest challenge is that I always fall off the wagon and end up going off my healthy lifestyle regimen.  I am just not consistent.   However I am always keen to get back on track.

Below are some of the foods we need to include in our diet to help our  bodies stay healthy and encourage it to grow some beautiful and healthy head of hair.





The majority of our hair fiber is made of  a protein called keratin.  Not eating sufficient amounts of protein will result in slow growing and weaker hair strands.
Our bodies produces proteins however there are some proteins which our bodies cannot produce such as amino acids which have to be provided from the food we eat.
To encourage hair growth and strength, make sure you eat a protein rich diet.
Good sources of protein include, beans, lentils, nuts, eggs, fish, yogurt, poultry and meat.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed for healthy cell division.
Our hair grows when the cells at the base of hair follicles divide and increase in numbers.  The older cells get pushed up, keratinized and become a hair fiber.  Lack of cell division will result in slower growing hair.
Vitamin A also helps our bodies produce make sebum (our hair’s natural oil).  Lack of sebum can lead to dry hair and scalp.
Sources of vitamin A include carrots, broccoli, spinach,  sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach, dark leafy vegetables, milk cheese, eggs, etc.

Vitamin B

A diet which is low in vitamin B-complex can lead to hair loss and hair thinning. Vitamin B helps with tissue growth and repair.
Foods rich in vitamin B include beans, peas, carrots, bran, nuts, poultry, peanuts, almonds, whole grains, salmon, avocados, cheese, etc.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant.  It helps in the production of collagen, which helps our bodies absorb iron. It also facilitates the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of our bodies.
A diet that is poor in vitamin C can lead to dry, brittle hair and weak hair that will break easily.
Natural sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers , berries, kiwi, broccoli, etc.
Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects our bodies against free radicals. Free radicals can slow hair growth and cause premature greying.
Antioxidants like vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and keeps you and your hair healthy and vibrant.
Good sources of vitamin E include  Avocados, peanuts, kiwi fruit, spinach, tomatoes, pepper, carrots.



Irons function is to carry oxygen from our lungs to various parts of our body including our scalp.
Iron deficiency can lead to the growth of dry and dull hair.  It may also lead to an increase in shedding rates.

Good sources of iron include Lentils, kidney beans, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, bran, red meat, poultry and fish.        


Omega-3 fatty acids are fats that help to keep our scalp and hair hydrated.   Omega 3 helps to increase our  hairs elasticity and strength. It therefore helps to reduce breakage.
Our bodies do not produce omega-3 on its own and so it must be obtained from our diet.
Food rich in Omega 3 include salmon, tuna, kale, broccoli, seeds and nuts, etc.

I I hope this post gives us another reason why we should all try to eat better ( and drink more water too).  Personally I am keen to reduce my shedding rates and I truly believe that improving my diet ( on a more consistent level) will help me achieve this.
What are some of the reasons you want to improve your diet: to increase the speed of your hair growth, reduce shedding or just to be healthier overall?
The next blog post will be all about leave-in conditioners.  From some of the comments and questions I get it seems some ladies are not sure of when exactly and how to use them.  I will also be sharing what I love about my staple leave in conditioners and how I use them.

I may be wigging it at the moment but my leave in conditioners are still essential in my fight against breakage.


Seeing clients and still wearing my Hair by Type 4 “Runway” wig


I hope you have found this post helpful and that you’ll be back soon.  happy hair journey.



Learn | Change | Grow


Hello Ladies

I can’t believe we are almost at the end of October already.  I am back from my holiday which I enjoyed more than I intended to.  Majority of the work I planned to do just didn’t happen.   I am behind on everything!!!! But I am back to reality and have been eager to update the blog in a more helpful way.  And that brings me to my next point…..videos!!!!

I was always adamant that I would not create videos for Hairducation because I felt it would be too time consuming and I know absolutely nothing about video editing, lighting, etc.  However because I haven’t been consistent lately with blogging I thought I should go the extra mile in making it up to my readers by creating my very first video ever!!!

The fact is some things are better explained by video.  I tried to write a blog post on how I detangle and finger comb my hair but realised quickly that a video would be more appropriate.  As I am typing this up I don’t even know how to upload videos to Hairducation but I am sure I will figure it out.

(It turns out I cant and have to re-record the whole thing. I had to set up a You-tube page which I did.  But the file is too large for me to upload the video to YouTube because the network/signal in my area is soooo poor it just isn’t working.  I even went to an internet café and still no joy). 
I intend to get on re-recording asap.  In the interim please see my hair and product update below.


I put my hair in 24 box braids whilst on holiday and I transitioned to my wig regimen.
I wore my Hair By Type 4 “Runway” wig which is a part of the R collection whilst on my break.    I used to think the wig was a little on the long side but now that my hair is the same length it feels pretty normal.  My own hair is not that thick though ( I wish).

Type 4 - The Runway Wig

Going to pick up my niece from school but first………

Again I was really slacked with hair care whilst I was away.  On this trip I cleansed my scalp with wipes a few times but only moisturised twice in over three weeks…..#badhairblogger

My hair seems okay but it is quite dirty and my scalp is a little on the itchy side. I am about to start unravelling the box braids to wash and give my hair a much needed deep condition.  Fingers crossed the neglect hasn’t done too much harm to it.



I had a good stash of hair products before my trip but off course I stocked up a little bit.  As you can see I decided that I really like the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner and have decide to include it as one of my moisturising conditioner options.

You may also notice the huge jar of Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner.  I mentioned in an old blog post that I would be giving this up and replacing it with Tresemme Nourishing Moisture.  Although I still have a lot of “respect” for the Tresemme conditioner, when I was deep on my stretch it didn’t seem to moisturise my hair as well as the Motions did.  So for that reason I decided to re-introduce Motions Moisture Plus into my regimen.  I think I am going to stop fighting the fact that I like a conditioner that contains mineral oil. I guess it’s just meant to be.

Other products I stocked up on were coconut oil, rosemary and peppermint oils, Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioning cream and S-curl.
I intend to spend the next few days playing catch upon all your emails, responding to questions and settling back to work.
The next blog post will be about food for growth, ie what we should be eating to help us grow healthy hair fibres and shortly after that the detangling video should be up.  See you again soon.



Learn | Change | Grow


Hello ladies

How is everyone’s hair journey going? I’ve been out the loop for a few weeks as I am enjoying my break in London.  Its been brilliant seeing family and friends and getting through my eat list; all the food I’ve missed and intend to eat before I return to Nigeria.   So blogging has been a lil slow.  When I eventually found some time to take some pictures for the hair style pictorials, I didn’t think they were up to standard.  I just felt the styles did not photograph as well as they look in person and that I did not prepare my hair well enough.

I wasn’t going to post the pictorials below but changed my mind eventually because I figured they could still be usefull to someone out there.


sept pictorial

sept pictorial 2


sept pictorial 3

I hope these pictorials give you an idea of how lovely these styles could be and if you are not a lazy hair styler like me you will probably do a much better job than I did in creating them.

The next blog post will be a guide on how my technique for finger combing my hair and how to prevent breakage when finger combing and detangling in general.  I will try to get the post out before end of September so please come back soon.



Learn | Change | Grow 



Hello Ladies
I washed my hair last weekend and intended trim my ends.  It all went a little wrong….

It all started with my moisturising deep conditioner running out.  I was out of both my Tresemme Nourishing Conditioner and Motions Moisture Plus.  On a whim I decided to try a new conditioner I had heard good things about, Herbal Essences Hello Hydration.



  • I put my hair in 14 large box braids after detangling with a “generous amount of olive oil.  I covered the box braids with a plastic shower cap and went to bed.
  • The next day I shampooed and deep conditioned my hair.  I had followed using my usual technique of mixing my protein and moisture deep conditioner together.  However I was trying out a new moisture conditioner I did 70:30 mix instead of my usual 50:50.
  • My deep conditioner mix was  70% of the Hello Hydration and 30% of Vitale Olive Oil conditioner.  I mixed in one teaspoon of olive oil.  I used this ratio because I wanted to see what effect the Hello hydration would have on my hair.
  • After washing my hair I noticed that my hair felt a more slippery than normal but didn’t think much of it.  I deep conditioned and after rinsing out the deep conditioner I was happy with how my hair felt.

As I detangled and dried my hair I thought “oh wow my hair is really shiny”, then I thought ”hold on, my hair is clumpy”.  That was when I realised my hair was actually super oily, limp and weighed down.   When it dried and I touched it, it actually left my hands oily.
I wash not a happy bunny.  It felt like I had wasted a wash day and I could not proceed with trimming my hair in its greasy state.
I simply cut very tiny bits off my ends and will trim properly next wash day.   What I find most annoying is that I am stuck with thin oily hair for a week +.

Wash day fail


Would I use the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration again????? Absolutely!!

Herbal essences
The minute I realised my hair was oily I thought about want went wrong and quickly realised it was the temperature of the water I used to wash my hair. The conditioner was not the problem.

Normally I shampoo my hair with warm water and rinse out the deep conditioner with cool-ish water.
On this wash day however, I shampooed and rinsed with coolish water.  The hot water was a running a little low and I didn’t think washing with cool water would make much of a difference to how my hair turned out.  Boy was I wrong.  Because the water was cool the olive oil I used to pre-poo did not come off completely.  Remember I said my hair felt slippery even after I had shampooed it.  Also I don’t think I rinsed out the conditioner well enough.

Despite all my complaints my hair had really good elasticity and felt soft so I am soooooo eager to try it again next wash day.   Hopefully if next wash day goes well I may be on to a winner with is conditioner.

Hair Care Technique Update

I try to advise ladies to review and update their regimen from time to time.  This is something I did over my last stretch and I believe it helped me reduce tangling and matting tremendously.  I definitely credit this new technique for helping me minimise breakage.

What is it??? Sectioning!!!  I know I have always been an advocate of working on hair in sections, ie washing, deep conditioning, detangling, moisturising and sealing in sections.  What is new is that I keep my hair in sections permanently now.  


Previously, during the weekdays, my hair would be in a bun majority of the time, now what I do is keep my hair in 6 to 10 rolls when I am at home.  If I am heading out, I let the rolls down and put it up in an up-do.
The key is that I don’t merge the hair into one before styling.  I simply shake the hair down and style it.  So at the base of the style, my hair is still sectioned.
When I get back home I put my hair back in the rolled sections and because the parts at the base of my hair are still there, it only takes a few minutes to detangle, moisturise and seal and roll up each section.

I hope the above makes sense.  When I used to keep my hair in one single bun, I would have to create new parts every time I wanted to detangle and moisturise and seal.  Now the parts are created after my wash days and are kept in and re-used through the week.
I find that my hair matts and tangles less.  The tangles that do form are easier to locate and detangle.  It saves me a lot of time and it my hair seems to be thriving with it.  I don’t think this technique is necessary but it seems to work for me and you are welcome to try it out.

The only downside is that this may not be ideal for ladies who like very sleek hair.  As  I like my hair looking a little messy it works well for me.

Have you had a wash day gone wrong?  What happened?  Anyone experimenting with a new technique?  Do share, lets all learn from each other.
Coming up next, some hair style pictorials and a guide on how I finger comb my hair.


Learn | Change | Grow


Hello ladies,

I know I’ve been gone for a minute. I genuinely feel soooo bad about that. My absence was impromptu. Life and a lot of commitments led to my absence. I did check in very briefly once or twice and felt so bad that loads of you kept visiting. Thanks for not giving up on the blog.

I hope you have been well and that life has been good. How’s the hair journey going?
I am back now and have loads I want to share and discuss, starting with my relaxer (texlax) update. Although it was one of my best stretches ever I am so glad it’s over and going forward I intend to texlax every 5 months.


August 2014 texlax

Texture and scalp shots

I was supposed to texlax at the end of July, but because of my busy schedule I kept pushing it. I eventually texlaxed on 18th August. The crazy thing is that I didn’t really take any decent pictures on my texlax day. I took a few of my wet hair and planned to take “official” shots after blow drying…..but that didn’t happen because I was beyond tired. The pictures in this post were all taken after my wash day one week post.

Texlax day itself was hitch free however I left in more texture than I intended to. So my new growth was more blown out than texlaxed. I do not plan to do a corrective relaxer though, as you may know I love big hair and my blown out roots means that my hair looks fuller (#winning) so I am happy overall.

I know it doesn’t show in the pictures but my hair is sooooo much longer than it was when I texlaxed in February. It feels a lot fuller towards the ends. I intend to trim a few inches off next week and then I would have gotten rid of most of the thin weathered ends.

August 2014 texlax 2


August 2014 texlax 3

Happy with my ponytail and my bun. I dream of having a bun much bigger than my head….one day.

August 2014 texlax 4

Didn’t have anyone around to help me arrange/comb my hair for the back shot…. so I squeezed my ends together and hoped for a decent shot

That’s its really for this blog post. I will be back in a few days with hair style pictorial and then with a trim and regimen update.
I have been doing a lot of hair related reading recently. I am sort of looking at black hair from a different more social angle and will share a bit more of that really soon. So there’s loads for us to look forward to.
Since iv e been gone for such a while i am sure you have hair updates for me??? What’s been happening with your hair??

