Growing with Social Media


Hello Ladies

Technically this post is more hustle/passion related than hair related but it is just in time for International Women’s Day.
I attended a panel discussion at Social Media Week Lagos a few days ago. The discussion called “ Hair We Go!! Technology and the Natural Hair Movement”. The aim of the discussion was for social media gurus and top professionals in the hair care industry to share tips on using social media to grow your brand, create influential content and turn your passion into real income.

So many of us ladies, in addition to having careers, have other passions we blog about or would love to turn into a successful business. Often, it is more about purpose and fulfilment than making money.
Whatever your reasons maybe, it is becoming increasingly impossible create a brand/business without social media.

When I created Hairducation, I just wanted to spread the gospel of good hair care and have somewhere to send ladies who had questions about my hair. It was and will always be a passion first thing for me.
It has however been a blessing that in addition to me writing and hopefully helping ladies with their hair, I am able run an international hair care consulting service. I certainly would not have this opportunity without technology and social media.

I think it is important, almost a responsibility to encourage and uplift other ladies in the way that so many do for me. With this in mind, I thought I would share some of the notes and lessons I took from the panel discussion and I hope you find it as beneficial as I did.

To all my ladies working hard to make their passions and dreams come alive and flourish, I see you and this post is for you.



How to grow your blog, brand, business, side or main hustle through social media

In no particular order;

1) Consistency and Quality
Try to have a consistent or regular schedule for releasing your content. Be consistent in the type of content you put out but don’t make the mistake of putting out poor quality material just to be consistent. You should always strive to maintain or improve the quality of your content.

2) Anticipation
Take the time to figure out what your readers/followers want to read about or see and let them know it’s coming soon. Give them something to look forward to and they will keep coming back for more.

3) Respond
It is important to respond to as many comments/questions that you receive. Build a rapport with your readers/followers.

4) Identify your niche
You have to figure out what your niche is.
It could be a specific area such as hair care in my case or something broad that encompasses a variety of things such as life style or even business consulting. It could be anything!! No matter what you are into there is community out there that is interested in what you have to offer or share.
Make sure it is something you enjoy and have real passion for otherwise you won’t get very far before the stress of blogging/business gets too much for you.

Don’t be all over the place. Try to figure out what you want to talk and stay relevant. For instance, wouldn’t it be off key if you came here and saw a blog post about celeb gossip!!

5) Put out genuine information.
You don’t want to risk losing your credibility by putting out information which is incorrect. Take the time to verify or research your information before posting it on your site or social media pages.

6) Try to avoid mixing up your private life with your brand.
This is a personal favourite of mine but it is becoming increasingly difficult to have a clear defined line and in some cases the two are interlinked.
For instance, a lifestyle blogger will probably share his or her personal lifestyle or a religious blogger will probably want to use their own spiritual walk to show how much they have grown.
I think what has worked for me is deciding from the onset how much of my personal life needed to be out there (fortunately for me, not a lot) and how much I was willing and comfortable to share.

7) You DONT have to be on every Platform
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Google+, and whatever major platform is coming up soon……
It may be tempting to create pages for your brand on all these platforms, if you are able to do so and put out great content consistently on all of them, great!!!
Unfortunately, if you create and publicise pages/platforms but literally have almost zero content there it can come across as lazy It is better to pick just a few that you can focus on being great at.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

8) Choose a virtual mentor
We don’t have real access to the people we would love to learn from but thanks to social media you can follow their pages.  Learn from them and be inspired by them.

9) Collaborate
Collaborate with others in your field. This is a definite win win situation that exposes your brand and work to many new readers.

10) Hash tag Power
Learn the power of using hash tags. Hash tags help expose your brand and work to anyone searching for the terms you have used and it is also great for promoting events you are involved in or giveaways you are hosting. I didn’t realise how important hash tags were until recently and it’s something you certainly shouldn’t sleep on like I did.

11) Make that money – Learn how to turn your followers into clients
Create a product or offer a service that solves a problem, need or want of your readers. Inform your readers/followers of your services or products but don’t overdo it. If every post feels like a marketing pitch it can be major turn off.

If you have a passion for something and do it well (and often free) for long enough, the offers will come rolling in and opportunities will present themselves.
My advice however, is that you should be selective and careful with “HOW” you make money. Try to do it with integrity and in a honest and open way that does not exploit your readers or take their trust for granted.

I made sure I got a professional certification before I began offering my coaching service and have plans to do even more in-depth courses in the near future. Professional qualifications give you a leg to stand on.
I have lost track of how many endorsement offers I have turned down because I know the quality of the products would do nothing for my readers hair.
In my opinion, Hairducation’s biggest assets are its readers and followers on social media. I would like to think I have worked pretty hard to earn your trust and Lord knows I plan to keep it.
I hope you have learned something good from this post. I am working on the first educative post of the month which will be all about grey hair; embracing it or covering it.

Happy international women’s day ladies ……

See you soon



Learn | Change | Grow




Although my hair is texlaxed, throughout my hair journey I have always visited and learnt from so many natural hair blogs. One of those blogs is The Kinky Apothecary based here in Lagos, Nigeria.
The Kinky Apothecary is hosting a Nigerian Natural Hair & Beauty Show this Saturday in Lagos.  I was so honoured when Nibi ( founder of The Kinky Apothecary) asked me to give a workshop about healthy texlaxed hair and to join the panel of amazing ladies speaking about natural hair.


Ladies there is sooooooo much to look forward to such as

* The “Loving Your Hair With Natural Care workshop by natural hair expert and celebrity stylist (to stars such as Jill Scott, Teyonah Parris & Will Smith) Felicia Leatherwood.

Additional workshops by:* Ngozi Opara of The Heat Free Hair Movement

* Obia Ewah of Obia Natural Hair

* Wunmi Akinlagun of Woman In The Jungle

* Ijeoma Eboh of Klassy Kinks

* Cassidy Blackwell of Natural Selection Blog

There will also be

* Discounted shopping at The Kinky Apothecary Pop-Up Shop as well a variety of hair and non-hair related vendors
* A Make Up & Pamper lounge from Lola Maja at Sacred Beauty

* The chance to get your hair done…for free!
* Networking* Giveaways

* Amazing goodie bags sponsored by SheaMoisture & CURLS

Tickets for the expo are N8,000 each, and can be purchased from:* www.afritickets.com
* Sacred Beauty, 2 Abiola Close, Shonibare Estate, Maryland

So who is coming???????X

LadeLearn | Change | Grow




A SALON DAY OUT (with Naija Hair Can Grow)



Some of you may be familiar with the popular Nigerian hair blog, Naija Hair Can Grow and the fabulous lady behind the blog, Daboju.

Every year, Naija Hair Can Grow (NHCG) hosts a salon day out which is packed with many hair related talks, competitions, vendors and products.. The salon day out this year is scheduled to hold on 7 June 2015

My wig company, Hair by Type 4, participated as a vendor last year and will do so again this year. It will be a great chance for you to see some of our wigs and creations up close. I have also been invited to speak at this years event.  Myself and other bloggers will be talking about the ups and downs of our hair journeys.




Besides getting to meet fellow hair obsessed ladies, bloggers and hair care professionals, I am also looking forward to the Battle of the Hairlistas, a competition in which winners will receive a cash prize and Design Essential products.

Anyone into taking care of their hair is welcome to participate by sending an email to Daboju with the subject I want to battle. Intending participants should contact her between now and the 20th of May




For further information about what promises to be a great hair day out please click here.

I look forward to meeting some of you at the event.

Happy Hair Journey



Learn | Change | Grow

Vote For Hairducation in the Nigerian Blog Awards

Voting Picture


I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when I found out my blog Hairducation has been nominated for the 2014 Nigerian Blog Awards in the Hair & Beauty category!!!!!!!

I am so happy and honoured by this nomination.  Hairducation only went live in 2013 so to be nominated for the 2014 awards is only the grace of God.

I would absolutely love to win the award but I can’t do it alone ladies, you can help Hairducation win by taking a few minutes to vote.


 How to Vote


Voting is completed in a few simple steps

1) Visit the voting page ( direct link to the page is provided below

2) Enter your name and your email address

3) Select Hairducation in the Best Beauty or Hair blog category

4) Scroll down to the end of the page and submit

5) You will receive a validation email from Nigerianblogawards@gmail.com. Please check your spam folders.
Click the link in the email in order to have your vote counted.

Voting closes on 6th April 2015
You don’t have to be located in Nigeria to vote.

Vote Button


Please vote ladies and thank you in advance.



Learn | Change | Grow



Hello Ladies,

I know I’ve been MIA this year.  Life has been rather hectic, hopefully I will be back to regular blogging from this week.

In the mean time, I am happy to share the news that Hairducation has received its first award by Melanie from the blog, A Desired Beauty.  (Thanks Melanie).



The award is called the Liebster blog award.  The word “liebster” means dearest in German. This award is given to bloggers by other bloggers and is a great way to not only to get to know the blogger, but also to find new blogs and spread the love.

Here are the rules:

  • List 11 interesting facts about yourself.
  • Answer the questions presented by the blogger who nominated me.
  • Paste the award on your blog.
  • Nominate other deserving novice bloggers who have 200 or less followers and let the nominees know about the award by commenting on their blogs or via email.
  • Make up a set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

I happy about the award and I guess it will help readers get to know a little more about me.  Hopefully I don’t come across as being too weird 🙂 …. So here goes




1) I choose what animals I eat based on how they look.  For example, I think cows look cute and edible, crabs on the other hand are weird looking and the way they walk sideways freaks me out, no way on earth I could eat those.

2) I am an artsy, crafty sort of person. The theatre and art galleries are my idea of a good time.


Pictures from an art exhibition I attended recently – taking the opportunity to share work by Nigerian artists



Pictures from an art exhibition I attended recently – taking the opportunity to share work by Nigerian artists


Pictures from an art exhibition I attended recently – taking the opportunity to share work by Nigerian artists


3) Growing up, I had the following pets; a dog (Lassy), two monkeys (Boo and Nim), two peacocks ( I didn’t like them enough to give them names), fishes (too many to name) and a parrot (Yenny).  My friends teased that I lived on animal farm.

4) I love interior decoration shows, magazines and blogs, etc

5) I am a chronic hand washer. Once I’ve touched a few things I just feel like my hands are dirty.

6) I am terrible at applying makeup. I simply rub it on and go.  Takes me 2 or 3 minutes to paint my entire face. I just don’t have the skill.

7) I enjoy untangling things e.g necklaces, earphone cords, any kind of string really.  As a kid I would create knots in things just so I could untangle it.

8) I don’t drink simply because I don’t like the taste of alcohol. I do have a serious love for palm wine.  If you live in Lagos and know where I can get good palm wine please let me know.

9)  I love retro music, fashion, art, hair styles, etc. There’s just something beautiful about old school things.

10) I want to be a better reflection of Christ.

11) I’ve had two operations and have titanium rods and screws somewhere in my body.



{1} What do you do? career woman, full-time student, super stay-at-home mom? 

I was a career woman up until I moved back to Nigeria just over a year ago. I worked at a top 5 law firm in London.  Since my relocation, I have busy completing a year of national youth service (mandatory in Nigeria) setting up Hair by Type 4 and taking some professional accreditation courses.
Sort of starting over. Exciting and scary times.

{2} What’s your favourite movie?
I can’t really pick one, it’s a close call between Their Eyes Were Watching God and Shawshank Redemption

{3} Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted to share my hair journey and encourage ladies to take care of their hair.  Doing my bit to bust the myths about black hair.

{4} What’s the best vacation you have ever taken?
Koh Samui, a small island off the coast of Thailand.  It was soooo beautiful, the beaches, the people, the local markets, fresh coconut milkshakes, the safari ride up a mountain, riding an elephant, the spas, the peace and serenity. Perfect holiday.


My sister and I in samui




The hotel was a perfect


{5} My closet has excess when it comes jeans and shoes. What’s your fashion obsession?
Dresses and tops.  A girl can never have too many dresses and tops.

{6} Where do you see yourself in five years?
I pray that in 5 years, I am alive, well and happy.  That Hair by Type 4 is successful and that I am advancing in my career.   I pray that I will be where God wants me to be and that I am fulfilling His purpose for my life.

{7} If you could meet one person, current or historical, who would it be and why?

Benjamin Carson.
Because his life story and achievements are incredible. I am inspired by people who succeed and make their dreams a reality through sheer hard work and determination.   I believe that with self discipline and God, we all have the potential to achieve great things.  Benjamin is proof of this.
On the hair front I would have loved to meet Vidal Sassoon.

{8} Momma’s girl, Daddy’s girl, or Grandma’s baby?
Daddy’s girl forever

{9} What motivates you?
The pursuit of happy endings (in my personal and professional life)…….and wanting to be a better version of myself

{10} Do you spend more time reading blogs or watching YouTube?

Definitely reading blogs…..but I am hooked on YouTube too.

{11} Outside of blogging, how do you like to spend your free time?
Regular things I suppose, hanging with friends and family, watching movies, reading magazines and books, studying, I love eating out.



The bloggers and blogs I have decided to pass the awards to are

Sdestra from sdestra hair journey

Tonkabell from Wura’s Secret Hair

Colleen from  Natural Coco Doll

Dr Fomsky from  Sizzling Mommy



1)      What three words best describe your personality?

2)      What would you describe as perfect day?

3)      Are you a dog or cat person?

4)      What country would you like to visit and why?

5)      Complete this sentence, black hair is……

6)      What do you like most about your hair?

7)      What bad habit (not hair related)  would you like to change?

8)      What is your favourite cuisine?

9)      What is your favourite book (or movie or song)?

10)    My favourite quote that I use to motivate myself is “you are the only one that is standing in your way”, do you have a favourite quote.

11)   If you could do one thing to change the world for better what would it be?


I hope you have enjoyed reading this post as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Feel free to share some interesting facts about yourself……. I won’t judge you I promise.

I will be back soon with a post on trimming.  Its time to bust a few myths about that topic.

I hope you’ll be back soon.



Learn | Change | Grow