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  1. Bammy
    July 13, 2013 / 2:53 pm

    Hello Lade, I’m so happy for u dt u v such great hair.
    I v hair problems also I recently cut my hair to start again cos it jux seemed to stop growing now I’m on low cut I make rubber den put a wig on it bt I need to know d best hair products I can get for my virgin hair to grow I nid a hair regimen n ow to apply it + I nid more tips on wigs to use.
    Will b expecting a reply

    • December 7, 2014 / 8:57 pm

      Hello lade, I must say I’m inspired by your determination, your last touch up was on my birthday!

  2. omolade
    July 13, 2013 / 6:55 pm

    Hello Bammy, thank you for your comment.

    I am sorry that you have been experiencing problems with your hair but I am pleased that you are starting afresh.

    Have you read the contents of the Beginners Guide page and the contents of How To Care For Black Hair?
    I have provided hair care advice and recommended good hair care products and techniques on those pages.
    There is also advice on how to build your own hair regimen and about wigs on the Start Your Hair Journey and My Hair regimen pages.

    I emphasise on the Beginners Guide page that hair products alone will not grow our hair.

    So please read through the contents of the site, you will find that it contains answers to your questions and should also give you a basic understanding of how to care for your hair.


  3. Emoral
    July 14, 2013 / 2:34 am

    You babes r doing a nice job back home, well done babes.


    • omolade
      July 14, 2013 / 2:00 pm

      Thank you for the lovely comment Emoral. I thank God.

  4. Omoye abulimen
    July 15, 2013 / 12:22 pm

    Hello Lade, your tips are great. What’s your take on how long a sewn weavon can be left on? And also, how can I make enquires on Wigs that hairbytype4 produce? Can I have photos please? And are the wigs humanhair? Thank you!

    • omolade
      July 15, 2013 / 7:26 pm

      Hi Omoye

      Thank you for the comment and questions.

      Weaves should not be worn for longer than 8 to 12 weeks. Personally because of the heat and humidity of our climate I would suggest 8 weeks to be on the safe side.

      However if you normally keep your weaves for 3 weeks (for example), don’t suddenly keep it in for 12 weeks because you do not know how your hair will react, maybe try keeping it for 5 weeks and review the effects on your hair as you go along. If your hair starts to matt under your weave then it definitely needs to be taken out. Also do not completely neglect your hair when it is in a weave.

      I will be writing a post about hair care and extensions soon so please stop by soon.

      Yes the readymade wigs we produce are human hair. Kindly send an email to and I will address all the questions you have about Hair by Type 4 wigs.

  5. stella
    August 6, 2013 / 3:25 pm

    I sent you a message since July 14th and you havent replied. That isnt nice at all.

  6. omolade
    August 10, 2013 / 9:37 pm

    Hello Stella

    Sorry I haven’t replied your message. Unfortunately I haven’t received a message from you or possibly missed it. I get loads of emails and its possible yours slipped through the net.
    What address did you send the message to?

  7. Eunice
    August 29, 2013 / 10:23 am


    I’ve been going through your blog since I learnt about it and I’m really impressed at the simplicity and easy to follow manner in which you have built your blog. your hair length is amazing. I’m having issues locating products suggested on your blog. any suggestions concerning that would be of utmost help. by the way I live in northern Nigeria.
    thanks in anticipation of your favorable and swift response

  8. omolade
    August 31, 2013 / 6:31 pm

    Hello Eunice

    Thank you so much for your compliments and I am glad you find the contents of the blog easy to follow. That was exactly what I was aiming for when thinking about the structure of the blog. I wanted it to be as new user friendly as possible.

    With regards to hair products I will be doing a detailed post in the near future about hair products and where to find them.

    In the interim a great site to get hair products in Nigeria is from a company/site called
    They have a good range of products and I believe they can deliver to northern Nigeria as well. They may not have the exact products I use but certainly have good alternatives.

    Best of luck on your hair journey and happy shopping.

  9. Nicole
    December 23, 2013 / 9:39 pm

    my name is Nicole and i come from germany. here it is not possible to find u part wigs.
    Is it ipossible to get a custom-made u part wig in dark or middleblonde from you? I need
    one, for Open hair and to wear a ponytail! I wear since 6 years europaen human extensions but it damaged my hair. hope so much, that you can help me!
    Thank you! Merry Christmas to you and your Family!

  10. cindybrown
    March 25, 2014 / 3:03 pm

    hi lade,i sent you a mail today..please reply meeeee

  11. Tuiweni
    March 25, 2014 / 4:55 pm

    Hi Lade,

    I’ve been following your blog for under a month but i must say i am soooo inspired. I posted two weeks ago that i had braids on but was so excited to remove them to start my rehairducation hair

    So with that in mind my friends and i are setting up a group to inspire other women with relaxed hair to care for their hair. I think the lack of care, at least in my case, is down to lack of knowledge. I wanted to use the image of your hair as one of the inspiring examples of what proper care can do for hair. Of course we’ll reference where it’s coming from so the ladies can find your blog.

    Would you be ok with that? You can reply to my email or here is fine.

    Thanks for the inpsiration and keep up the amazing work!

    • omolade
      April 14, 2014 / 12:27 am

      Hello Tuweni
      Sorry for the delay in responding.
      Thanks a lot. If you’re inspired then I am happy:)
      Its definitely amazing the transformation our hair has when we take care of it. Yes, I am happy for you to use my pic with reference back to Hairducation.
      I hope the group thing is working out well.

  12. Chereece
    April 11, 2014 / 8:09 pm

    I have braids on atm so wth the help of ur blog im sooo excited to start this journey on the first of May….so im goin to buy my products soon (if gran gives me pocket money)…jus wntd to noe wt kind of vitamins can i take if i cnt find biotin?n do i really hfto exercise ahh im a bit lazy jus a tiny bit…n wats the MOST important thing for havin strong thick hair coz myn is anorexic ryt nw :/

    • omolade
      April 14, 2014 / 12:14 am

      Hello Chereece
      Its always great to see ladies choose to take care of their hair.
      I cant really advice you about what vitamins to take as I have never taken any as part of my hair journey. I believe in trying to eat right, stay fit and healthy.
      If your hair journey goes well you hair will look healthier and should feel thicker too. A good regimen and texlaxing is the key to the thickness of my hair.

  13. Goodness
    April 19, 2014 / 11:15 pm

    Hi,pls i relaxed my natural hair this year,but i just dont knw how to take care of it. am always been told that hair have a particular lenth it do stop,i dont know how tru it is. my hair is almost reaching@ my shoulder but i want it as long as urs,pls what do i use. secondly am using Mega Growth relaxer,can u recommend the one i should use. lastly i dont have front hair this always discourage me parking my hair,pls do i have hope on having front hair. Thanks

    • omolade
      April 25, 2014 / 12:57 am

      Hello Goodness

      Its great that you are trying to take care of your hair.
      Please read the contents of the “how to care for black hair” tab. It is at the top of this page. You can also read the posts I have written about relaxers and retouching our hair. This way you can decide for yourself which relaxers to try.
      Basically take you time to read the contents of this website, the answers to all your questions are there.
      Best of luck.

  14. Adanna
    May 3, 2014 / 2:36 pm

    This is a long one.. here it goes…

    Hi I’m Adanna and I’ 12 yrs old , I have thick hair (well thats what everyone tells me and compared to my mum’s hair its really thick) Its all in thegees my mum has shoulder length hair, because she doesn’t take good care of it, but my grandma had the biggest fro I’ve ever seen in my life…. So going back to the question…
    I’ve been doing loads.of research because I’m starting my hhj for real now, it was supposed to be about 2 months ago, but I didn’t quite moisturize and seal daily so it doesnt count, although I did see less breakage compared to other times… I think it was quite a success knowing that my mum was feeling my hair more lately xD it was soft, bouncy and shiny + I suffered less breakage although I still think I suffered a lot. I did the GHE +Inversiin Method + I added mayo to my hair xD saw it on youtube, dodon’t jugde me just trying to experiment xD. The whole point of me going on my hhj is because I wanted a good looking ponytail(It looks a bit longer than a bun, but I just don’t like the look of it) and also to prove my classmate wrong, she says tgat black people can’t grow long hair 🙁 But there was 1 giant obstacle in my way…MY MUM!! She’s constantly using heat on my hair just to make it “look good” she doesn’t care about my hairs life even though its…. erm… know…..dead xD she’s always also using heat on my hair because of my hair’s thickness( I’m not trying to brag or anything) Anytime I try explaining something hair like to her, about how to treat it, she never listens!! She just doesn’t care! She just wants it to look good, and I’m like duuh it would look good if it were longer, So my question is…. how do I get her to treat my hair properly, if she wont listen to me, and if she’s constantly aplying heat to my hair and causing more damage and breakage?( I tried to go on a secret hhj but it was too risky that’s why I want to start all over again).

    P.S I’m currently in braids, so this is kind of a break from my hair, also the hairdresser I go to relaxes my whole hair, last month I got me hair relaxed by my mum , and she relaxed it well, but she didn’t relax the whole hair. Does that mean I should let my mum keep relaxibg my hair or chanhe hairdresser…?

    P.P.S I get touch ups every 3 months or maybe with an extra week or 2.

    I’m not asking for much(I’m currently at a bit past shoulder length I want to get to APL, and when I get there maybe to BSL.

    Thank you! You’re an inspiration to us all Nigerians, I’m a Nigerian too xD

  15. omolade
    May 6, 2014 / 1:32 pm

    Hello Adanna

    Thanks for your comment, its good that you are trying to care for your hair at a young age. Because your mum still has charge over what happens to your hair the best thing you can do is try to get her on board. Try to tell her and SHOW her some healthy hair transformations and websites and try to re-educate her on healthy hair care practices. There is no point trying to go on a secret hair jouney when someone else has a say on what you do with your hair. Hiopely you can talk to her and she will cut back on using direct heat in your hair.

    Relaxers should only be applied to new growth only. It should not be applied to previously relaxed hair.

    Best of luck.

    • Adanna
      May 7, 2014 / 4:03 pm

      Thanks for your reply! I sent to you an email the same text but with additional questions and pictures of my hair journey !

  16. Oyinade
    January 25, 2015 / 8:54 am

    hi lade,i so much lov ur a student who is trying to embark on this hair journey. but the price of this products ehn. my problems are :
    1)my middle back hair is so short it is like a ditch in my head.u get d picture ryt.
    2)i want to transform from relaxed to texlax ow can i go abt it
    3)den my hairdresser relaxes my whole hair i try to explain yet she does the same thing i want to go on DIY ow do i go abt it.i also wear hijab bt dat doesnt mean i should not take care of my hair.

  17. adebola adeosun
    April 22, 2015 / 4:34 pm

    pls how do I care for my hair under human hair weaves? I will be expecting ur reply as soon as possible. thanks

    • omolade
      May 6, 2015 / 10:12 pm

      Hello Adebola
      If you look at the right side of this page, under popular posts, you will see blog post about hair care whilst wearing extensions. I am sure it will help.

  18. Cepae
    June 20, 2015 / 12:08 pm

    Hey Lade. I have been following everything that you have been doing. I started my hair journey in May when I trimmed it. I have followed your advice and it has grown past the point it was before I trimmed it. Just wanted to say Thanks.

    • omolade
      July 2, 2015 / 12:09 am

      That’s great Cepae, you are clearly giving your hair what it needs. well done you and thanks so much for letting me know. It encourages me to keep the blog going.


  19. Adeola
    June 22, 2015 / 6:32 am

    Hi lade, I’ve had black hair ever since I was born then it got very hard and thick and so I relaxed it December last year, then I realized that it stopped growing I did everything but to no avail, so I decided to go back to natural, then I realized that my black hair had started turning brown. I have read and followed your blog posts which are very nice but the problem is that I can’t get some of your products, I live in the north and there are limits to what one can get here. Lade please let me in on what to do. Thanks..

    • omolade
      July 2, 2015 / 12:13 am

      Hello Adeola
      I am sorry about the problems you have had with your hair. it is great that you are making efforts to care for it.
      Perhaps you can have family or friends in Lagos buy and send a few products to you by courier.
      Alternatively you can order from a company called Sizelle. they deliver to all states in Nigeria
      Hope that helps

  20. Renita
    July 22, 2015 / 1:44 am

    Hello do I need to add water to the Cantu Shea, Scurl Activator regimen? Also this is what I need to spray in my hair everyday correct? I just got the bigchop and liked your hair regimen and I am just trying to figure this all out.

  21. Renita
    July 22, 2015 / 1:49 am

    Sorry one more thing I also have the Cantu Aragan Oil leave in is that the same as the Shea Butter one?

  22. Lebogang
    July 28, 2015 / 8:06 am

    Hi Lade, how do you combat hair webbing or matting, I started texlaxing last year and I do it every 4-5 months. the problem is the hair tangling together whenever I am due for another touch-up.

  23. Vanessa
    December 16, 2015 / 6:41 am

    This is 3 weeks into my healthy hair journey I have researched done strand test and I’m so confused as to what my hair needs. I’m new to taking care of my hair and started to take better care of my hair. But hair is constantly breaking. I’ve alternated between moisture and protien the moisture routine usually has more breakage then the protien. My hair is very soft and new growth is manageable but how do I combat this breakage and based off the picture what treatment does my hair need any recomendations

    • Lade
      January 27, 2016 / 11:05 pm

      hello Vanessa

      Sorry I am just responding to your comment…it can be a bit challenging for me to respond to every single comment.
      You are quite new on your hair journey and it will take many weeks of deep conditioning and a good regimen before your breakage subsides. I did any huge difference or progress on my hair journey for the first year. So don’t give up.
      Also I don’t know how damaged your hair might be and how long it will take to for your hair to respond to your regimen. in my case I had to cot of the damaged hair gradually over the first year.
      so keep trying and try to listen to what you hair is telling you by seeing what it reacts well or badly to. eg you mentioned that your hair breaks more when you use moisture so use ore of protein and little moisture for a week or two and see what happens

      Hope all this helps

  24. Kenya
    December 29, 2015 / 3:05 pm

    I am so inspired by you. I am also excited to start my healthy hair journey. I do have a question. So is it not on to flat iron my hair at all?

    • Lade
      January 27, 2016 / 10:42 pm

      Thank you so much Kenya. I am glad you would like to start a hair journey. It is best to avoid direct heat ( blow drying and flat irons) as much as possible however it is okay for you to flat iron your hair occasionally, for example once a month.
      Make sure you flat iron clean and well conditioned hair.
      Hope that helps

  25. Hattie
    January 26, 2016 / 11:32 pm

    Today I am starting my healthy hair journey. As I type this I am giving myself a deep condition, thank you for all your information…….where do I find your info regarding how to air dry ?

    • Lade
      January 27, 2016 / 10:52 pm

      Hello Hattie

      welcome to the hair journey life. I hope it is going well so far. I just realised recently that although I have mentioned air drying I haven’t actually written an entire post about it.
      I will add it to the lists posts I will put up in February. ….in the interim there is loads of info about airdrying on the web if you need it asap.

  26. Abigail Wekesa
    January 31, 2016 / 9:02 am

    I am in Kenya and so excited to meet and read from your blog.With the rich knowledge from this blog I will comfortably n confidently embark on my hair journey this February.

  27. Mayreeh
    February 7, 2016 / 11:22 pm

    Hi. In one of your posts you said to deep condition a week before a relaxer touch up. I was told never to allow water touch my hair a week or 2 before relaxing to prevent burns. So please help a newbie out here. I intend to relax my hair very soon. Thanks in advance

  28. Shonum
    February 18, 2016 / 11:26 am

    Hi i am excited to start my hair journey and the information on your blog has been helpful. I would like to know i need to go natural to get healthy hair. And pleas where is your salon located ? Thank you

  29. Lily
    March 1, 2016 / 8:22 am

    Hello Lade. What’s the best way to detangle hair when combing it after carrying braids for 6 weeks? My hair always breaks cos it gets knotted when braided that long.

  30. salem
    March 2, 2016 / 9:24 pm

    Loving your blog , i leant alot and understand how to takecare of my hair. I have a question plz. I got MOTIONS OIL MOISTURIZER DEEP PENETRATING SILK PROTEIN CONDITIONER as part of my new hair regimen but am a little confused as to deciding if its a mositurizing conditioner or protein …..

  31. April 21, 2016 / 8:33 pm

    Hi,i would like to know if i stretch my hair for five months would my relaxed hair break because i was told it would.thanks

  32. Dorcas
    May 19, 2016 / 6:52 pm

    Good evening Please my name is Dorcas I
    Please i need your advice
    I go swimming regularly
    And I try my best not to allow the water to enter my hair but it does
    My hair is relaxed
    I wash my hair on Saturdays
    I don’t wanna wash it after swimming everyday
    So I need your advice please on what to do to my hair
    And I wanted to ask
    After washing the hair do I immediately use leave in conditioner or can I juSt use my moisturiser immediately
    And also can I use peppermint oil as a sealant oil?

  33. melody
    June 30, 2016 / 2:15 pm

    Where exactly should I start from? Should I texlax or relax and after that what next?

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