After washing, conditioning and blow drying with cool air. Please ignore the coconut oil stains on my t-shirt.
It’s been eight weeks since my last relaxer. I had been following my usual routine of leaving my hair out for 10 weeks followed by wearing wigs for another 10 weeks. Everything was going great until I deviated from my regimen and more or less abandoned my hair.
At about 4 weeks post, I had a really busy period coming up and I knew hair care would probably go out the window so I decided to put my hair away and wear my wigs for a while. The plan was that I would clean my scalp and keep my hair moisturised whilst it was under the wig.
Do you know what I did to my hair? …….Nothing, absolutely nothing.
I was that busy and when I did have the time I decided I was too tired. My hair started to feel brittle; my scalp got dirty and dry and itched like mad. I scratched my scalp till it felt sore. I knew better and I knew I’d have to face the consequences.
I finally got over the extreme busy period and had time to wash and condition my hair. My scalp was still very sore from all the scratching that when I poured water on it, it stung. I washed and deep conditions using my usual products. I blow dried on cool air as it was late. I think that because my hair has been well taken care of for many years it bounced back well. It is soft and strong and feels smooth. My scalp on the other hand is a different story, it still feels sore. So I have to be very gentle with it until it feels normal again. Moral of the story, consistency with your hair regimen is important.

All this head shaking is for blogging purposes only . My hair is currently in a bun 🙂
Its almost two months since my last relaxer, I have about an inch of new growth which makes my hair really full and poufy at the roots. Personally, I love big hair so fuller it looks the happier I am. My hair reacts well to deep conditioning and I love how fluffy it feels the first few days after I wash it. However because my scalp is so sore at the moment I am going to stick to very simple hair styles so I don’t aggravate my scalp any further.
What’s happening with your hair ladies? Any updates?
Learn | Change | Grow
Love love love! This reminded me of Hair Porn !
Thank you
I let my bestfriend bleach and dye my hair aqua and now the color is fading out, leaving only the blond and little spots of green showing. I also have not had a relaxer since May or June, simply because I knew I was going to get my hair dyed but also because I want my hair to grow out longer. So I have been washing my hair with Tail &Mane horse shampoo and conditioner. I also put prenatal vitamins in every shampoo I get to help as well. I braid my hair to avoid putting it into a ponytail to cause tension on my hair. I use Olive Oil or Doo Gro moisturizers on my hair when I braid it. My hair has always been shoulder length. I not only want longer hair ,but I also want it to be healthier.
Well I just came across your page today whiles at my office and I’ve been trying to grow my hair out. I started in January of this year and I did the big chop in September. My hair is completely natural and it goes in one now. I decided to do a protective style as I was e bit busy with work and other things. I decided to grow back natural when I discovered all the great remedies for hair growth and it has been working for me quite nicely example essential oils like olive oil, castor oil and rosemary oil which is my favorite. I co-wash my hair instead of shampooing. I am so determine to have long hair all the way down to my back and prob waist line. Seeing your blog has really motivated me even more. So many times I have felt to jus give up January will be 1 year since I started my hair journey and I’m really excited because it has grown so much. But my question to you is was your hair really that bad and grew this long? Because if your hair could have grown this long from being this short well I think I could do it too. But the less you do to your hair the more it grows.