Hello ladies
I am currently 13 weeks post and let’s just say the honeymoon is over. I switched to my wig regimen about 3 weeks ago. As I mentioned several times I use wigs to help me with stretching my relaxers to 22 weeks or more. I wash my hair every 3 weeks when wearing wigs and recently had a wash day.
I have about an inch and half of new growth and loads of different textures going on. This causes my hair to form bigger knots and tangle faster than when it is freshly texlaxed. My hair also feels coarser and I have to step up on moisturising and sealing to prevent my hair from feeling too dry. Also my hair does not look as smooth and flowy as when it is freshly texlaxed.

This picture was taken 2 days after my wash day. I air dried on my wash day so its not as sleek as when I blow dry.
What I do love about my hair when it’s this deep into my stretch is the volume at the roots. Despite its many challenges I would rather stretch my relaxers for as long as I can manage because in the long run its helps me reduce the risk or over processing my hair. A stretch is one of areas of a hair journey where the saying no pain no gain. I have at least 9 more weeks to go before I texlax so I am going to make the most of it and enjoy my hair one way or the other.
Are you on a stretch? If yes, how many weeks post are you and what challenges are you facing with your hair?
The next post will be a hair style pictorial and will be up really soon.
Learn | Change | Grow
Your hair is wonderful!…I need ur help concerning my edges, its almost bald, I don’t know what to do…thanks in anticipation of your reply
Hello O’mary
Thank you so much, do you have a hair regimen and do you know what is causing the hair at your hairline to break? You need to read up on how to care for black hair, this way you can pinpoint what may be causing the breakage and learn how to avoid it in the happening again in the future.
Most times hair loss at the hairline is caused by wrong hair styling choices so the best thing I can do for you is to help you help yourself.
there is a lot of information on hairducation and other sites about hairloss at your edges which I am sure will help you if you are willing to find and read through the information.
You can find the blog post I have written on this topic by using the search bar in the top right side of this page. Just serach for hairline hair loss and it should come up.
best of luck
How many inches of growth do you usually have before you retouch?
Hello Tracey, I relax/texlax every 5 months and tend to have 2 and half to 3 inches of new growth most times.
Your hair is so gorgeous, Defo my hair inspiration!
Hi, please help with information about how to get your wigs. Are you still making them? Thank you
Hello Beti
Yes I still make wigs, please send an email to hairbytype4@gmail.com for further information.
Kind regards
I am currently 15 weeks post relaxer and I’ve been facing a few challenges which is partly my fault. Towards the end of last year I bought a wig and was very busy so I neglected my hair for a while. Washdays became a chore and I barely moisturused or sealed. Right now I feel like I have 20 different textures on my head. Some parts of my hair in the middle is short and I have uneven hair all over. I feel like all my hard work in the past year went to waste in just 1 month. I don’t know how long I’ll stretch for because I’m already thinking of texlaxing as I’m tired of dealing with my hair.
hello Hilda
I am sorry to hear about the issues you are having with your hair.
Stretching your relaxer can be beneficial BUT ONLY IF you care for your hair appropriately whilst on a stretch. going forward when from when you are 10 weeks post, if you do not have the time to manage yiur hair on your stretch you are better off relaxing it because hair that has very little or no new growth is easier to manage than hair that is very due.
I recommend that you get back on your hair regimen and make sure it is realistic to your lifestyle so that you dont end up neglecting your hair.
Hopefully your hair will bounce back soon with a good dose of TLC.
Hi Lade,
Awesome update! I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days post relaxer. It’s been tough trying to keep my hair moisturized because of the coldness. I’m glad you point out that because of the different textures it cause your hair to tangle. I have always wondered why my hair would tangle so badly. I like the way my stylist texlax my hair but when she washes it I loose clumps of hair due to knots. After she’s done I feel so depressed like all my hard work went down the drain. She’s and older lady and uses a rat tail comb to detangle, I want to say something but I’m afraid that it will offend her. Please tell me , what method can I used to wash my hair after the texlax procedure to reduce knots? Thanks in advance Lade😊 Keep the post coming.
hello renee
First of all please read my blog posts about relaxing and how to minimise hair loss as a result of relaxing. yiu can find it by using the search bar at the top right side of this page.
You should be able to talk to your stylist without fear that she will become upset especially if you have a calm chat with her, if you feel that you cant talk to her or she wount listen then u need to find a new stylist. it is your hair and you should be able to talk to who ever is styling your hair. A fine tooth comb should never be used to detangle.
I wish you the best with your hair and your stylist
hi. your hair journey has really inspired me to do mine and so far I’m seeing results. I’m so happy I found this site! my hair has become thicker n fuller thanks to this site n I can see its getting longer. I’m so excited and can’t wait till it reaches waist length. (my hair is just grazing my shoulders).
so i”m 8 weeks post relaxer and my hair is getting really unmanageable and I haven’t washed it since 2 weeks ago. now it’s just oily n it feels weighted down. should i relax it or just wash it n wait a week before relaxing?
thank you cherrie
I would recommend that you wash and deep condition it and wait a week after to relax. give your hair that final boost of strength and elasticity before relaxing it.
I started a one year no heat no relaxer challenge. I trimmed a few inches before and I am currently about grazing shoulder length. I have no idea how I am going to survive and I just started!
Hello Steph
Going one year without heat and relaxer is great IF you are willing to put in the time and effort to care for your hair well. I recommend that you have a plan for how you are going to get through the year, ie are you going to use long term protective style to help you reduce the need for daily detangling and manipulation, how do you plan to keep your hair determined, it is not impossible but you have to have a plan and be wiling to switch to plan b if your plan a doesn’t work.
also don’t force it, try your best but if you are struggling too much then end the challenge….
I hope that helps
Hi lade.i began my hair journey last year,so far my hair is growing well,beautiful and really full.i left my hair in buns last year from july to december,this year am focusing on getting my hair healthy.my last relaxing was last year november,this year i’ve decided to stop adding extension to my hair so am doing braids with just my hair.my hair is so thick and i would like to extend relaxing my hair to march but am currently carrying single braids done with my hair and i intend to telax when i loose it.how do i go about texlaxing
Thanks for your comment Whitney. I have written detailed posts about texlaxing which you can find by using the search tab at the top right section of this page.
Simply search for the work texlaxing and the relevant post will come up.
Best of luck
Hi Lade,
Your are a great inspiration to many of us who are trying to grow out and maintain good healthy relaxed hair! Thumbs up!
I am 21 weeks post relaxer and my hair is really breaking…..I wanted to go no for two or more weeks, before relaxing, but it is probably not worth it. I seem to be fighting two foes at the same time: winter and stretching. I do care for my hair..moisturizing and sealing (daily), conditioning (x1 a week), deep conditioning (x1 a week)…I kind of used your regimen for orientation. In summer, I stretched for 22 weeks with relative ease….and I thought I would stretch for 26 weeks this time around. Kind of disappointed….
hello Vic
don’t be too disappointed. Its a journey and it rarely goes perfectly. A 22 week stretch is far enough and it is okay top stretch further but only if your managing the stretch well and not experiencing a lot of breakage.
perhaps you need to review your regimen and see at which stage the breakage is occurning and make adjustments to prevent it…..OR you could just end the stretch…..:)
best of luck either way.
Hi Lade, since i started my hair journey five months ago, i’ve really seen a good result. Thanks to you. I am on 12 weeks post relaxer and when i was about to wash, i detangled first before combing. But i experienced a thorough breakage way more than since i started, i don’t know why. Thanks
Hello Precious
Thanks for your comment. Our hair tangles more the longer we are into our stretch. You can try washing your hair in sections to minimise the amount of tangling you get.
I hope that helps
Hi…I’m currently 13 weeks post relaxer. And I’m just starting my journey to healthy hair. My hair is just beneath shoulder length. I want to ask though about moisturising and sealing. Should I do that every day or every other day. I’ve read some articles that say everyday but doesn’t that increase manipulation???
Hello Mayreeh
It is best for you to listen to your hair and give it what it needs. If your hair feels dry and brittle then it needs more moisture. So if you moisturise your hair once a day and it feels fine then don’t bother moisturising a second time. If your hair still feels dry then you might need to moisturise it for a second time.
I know that for me during the first year and half of my hair journey my hair NEEDED moisturising and sealing twice a day.
I hope that helps
Hi lade, thanks very much for your reply. please I want to ask if I can make use of cantu shea butter for natural hair, for my texlax hair. Thanks for your patience.
I love ur hair xo much and i want to grow mine wat should i do
Thanks for the reply….I ended the stretch….but am happy with the results….God bless you!
hi, pls I would like to know if you use any hair growth aids
Hi Lade,
I started my healthy hair journey August last year after being inspired by you. It has been a good experience mostly.
I am fully relaxed and transitioning to texlax and I do protective styling wearing my hair in a French braid for about 6 to 8 weeks after I texlax then I rock my wig. Under my wig I wear my hair into 6 to 8 corn rows with a leave out at the hair line for a natural look. I moisturize and seal my leave out every night and sleep in a silk scarf. I also use the S curl to moisture my cornrows at nights. I am noticing some breakage (especially in my leave out section) however which has me worried. I reckon I will eventually lose all the fully relaxed ends primarily through breakage am I correct? I do not want to do the big chop as I find the relaxed ends are helping me with my protective styling.
What important tips do you have for transitioning from relaxed to texlaxed? What should I expect of my hair during this period?
Hi how often should I telax my hair. I noticed that some people are leaving it 22 weeks. My hair grows fast and think of telaxing every 3 months is that to soon. Thanks.
Hello Elaine
Texlaxing every 3months ( 12 weeks) is certainly okay. technically anything over 10 weeks is okay. Every lady’s hair regimen and journey is different so if 3 months is what will work best for you and your hair I say go for it.
happy hair journey