I wore my hair in a faux bob over most the holidays
Happy New Year ladies
I do realise that we are in the middle of January already but even if I didn’t get this post out till June I would still start by wish you all the very best of life, good health, peace and happiness in 2017. Thank you all so much for your continued support, feedback and encouragement. To all the new readers…I see you!!
In 2016 so many of my long term dreams and ambitions for Hairducation actually materialised and this I know has been the grace of God…without a doubt. The year began with me speaking about hair care on Moments ( a popular talk show in Nigeria).
I also began writing hair care articles for BellaNaija, updated the look of Hairducation and worked super hard on improving the quality of the pictures on the site by learning photography which is been a hobby I’ve wanted to get into for so long. The following pictures are not hair related but they show progress and growth in my photography so I guess they fit in with the theme of the blog.

The very first photo I took with a DSLR camera

. …after a few weeks of learning and practice, I got a lot better.
Hairducation grew in so many ways and through all the wonderful experiences and interactions with so many of you; I’d like to believe I’ve grown too.
What took me by surprise was how the consultation service I offer really took off in 2016, especially with international clients. I have had clients from Canada, Ghana, Tanzania, Australia, London, New York, Ohio, Washington, Boston and many more states across America. It’s also been an honour and so much fun to meet and coach so many amazing ladies. My youngest client is 8 weeks old and the most mature is in her 80’s. So you can just begin to imagine the huge variety of ladies I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
I have also had so many readers send me emails or tag me in their pictures to let me know how well their hair is doing from what they have learnt on Hairducation. All the above continues to make blogging about hair care worth it.
I think it is very important to give a balanced perspective of things, especially because we live in an age where social media can create the impression that other people have perfect lives. I assure you that in some ways I too felt the wrath of 2016, there were many disappointments and some things just fell apart. When things fall apart, we just have to find the strength and courage to put ourselves back together with the hope that everything will work out for the best.
I have big plans to improve Hairducation even more in 2017. As always, my aim is to do more to help you with your hair journey and to do my bit in dispelling the lie that black hair is bad hair. Again I thank God and all of you for making it possible for me to live out this dream.
What are your plans and hair goals for 2017?? Mine is to try to be consistent through the whole year.
My next post will be about penetrating and non-penetrating oils and how best to use both on your wash day and through the week. I’ll also have a hair update post up soon.
Happy hair journey
Happy new year!!! I looking forward to my hair reaching full shoulder length this year.and i notice my hair is getting light-reddish brown,idk if it the relaxer so do you know any natural dye method?btw am still doing the tea rinse
hello whitney
hair that is changing from its natural dark colour to a reddish brown tint is usually signs of damage. Do you have a healthy hair regimen and are you consistent with it. do you condition often and moisturise your hair regularly between wash days, do you avoid using direct heat. All this may help improve the sate of your hair however over time the best thing is to trim off the damaged hair little by little.
henna is a natural dye you can look into but be carefull of the type of henna you use. some are mixed with minerals that can ruin relaxed hair. I believe I have written a post about henna which may help.
You can use the search “looking for something” bar to find the post. It is located on the right side bar of the blog.
All the best.
Thanks i’ll adjust my regimen
Greetings to you. This year is a great one I tell you and congratulations on your success.
This year my hair goal is to grow out my hair and retain as much of it as possible. I did what you would consider a big chop and left about 3inches of hair for of damage. Now my hair has grown and I have about 10inches of hair. This year I am growing my hair your way ie wigs as my hair really can’t stand the stress of braiding etc. My hair is about 10weeks post relaxer and I intend to stretch for another 4 to 6weeks. I am on top of my game. Thank you.
Thank you sooooooo much for sharing your hair journey, update and goals.
I hope the wigs help you along the way and well done for stretching your relaxers too 🙂
You are most definitely on top of things.
happy hair journey May.