My Hair Regimens


There are two regimens that I use to  minimise damage, prevent breakage and keep my hair healthy and long.  These are my Hair Regimen and my Wig Regimen.

My Hair Regimen

I relax my hair every 24 to 27 weeks.  After relaxing my hair, I wear it out for about 8 weeks.  During those weeks I follow the hair regimen below.

  • Shampoo every one to two weeks ( wash hair in 10 calabar braids)
  • Deep condition with heat for 30minutes after shampooing
  • Use leave in conditioners after deep conditioning
  • Air dry after every wash ( air dry in sections when hair has a lot of new growth) or blow dry very gently
  • Moisturise and seal regularly between wash days [Infusions by Hairducation Hair + Scalp Spray and the Infusions by Hairducation Hair + Scalp Oil]
  • Wear protective styles 90% of the time
  • Sleep with hair covered with a satin scarf every night
  • Comb on my wash days only .  Rather than combing daily, I use my fingers to detangle and remove knots  2 or 3 times a week

My Wig Regimen

This is the regimen followed for the first three years of my hair journey.

  • Hair kept in 16 box braids under Hair by Type 4 wigs.
  • Shampoo every 2 weeks
  • Deep condition with heat for 30 minutes  after washing (moisture and protein conditioners used)
  • Use leave in conditioners after deep conditioning (moisture and protein leave-ins used)
  • Air dry after every wash
  • Put my hair back in 16 calabar braids ( which I keep for 2 weeks)

During the  weeks when my hair is in calabar under my wig I do the following

  • Moisturise and seal the calabar braids lightly every morning (Infusions by Hairducation Hair + Scalp Spray and the Infusions by Hairducation Hair + Scalp Oil)
  • Massage scalp twice a week using only a few drops of the Infusions by Hairducation Hair + Scalp Oil
  • Remove wig and sleep with hair covered with a satin or silk scarf every night
  •  I keep my scalp clean by wiping it gently with the Infusions No Rinse Scalp Cleaner + Exfoliator once a week.

Relaxer Schedule

  •  I relax my hair every 5 to 6 months, twice or three times a year max.
  • I self relax at home ( my sister helps me with the back)
  • I don’t relax my hair bone straight – I deliberately under process my hair ( this is called texlaxing)
  • Products – Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Crème Relaxer – No Base Formula – Normal Strength

I hope the you have found the information on this page helpful.
If you decide to use my regimen as a template for you to build your own hair regimen you can do so BUT ensure you adjust to  suit your own hair and lifestyle.

For further advise on building your own hair regimen please see the Start Your Hair Journey Page

Learn | Change | Grow 



  1. Aragold
    July 18, 2013 / 3:52 pm

    Great info!
    Looks like a lot of work though!
    Will see how far I can discipline myself into a regimen that will work for my hair.
    I plan to maintain my afro-kinky hair in its virgin state using wigsand twists/corn-rolls.
    All digits crossed. 😀

    • omolade
      July 21, 2013 / 11:07 pm

      @ Aragold
      Yes it can seem tasking at first but when you get the hang of it will become second nature.
      Hope it goes well. 🙂

    • Victoria W
      February 20, 2021 / 10:14 pm

      Do you have low or high porosity hair?

  2. Moji
    July 25, 2013 / 2:35 pm


    Really great blog. I have natural hair but It keeps breaking especially around the edges and I have tried all sorts of things. I think I am now a product junkie. Will try this regimen. Where do you get your products from? I haven’t seen Cantu or Aphogee in Lagos before.

    • Joy Akpata
      March 21, 2014 / 1:51 pm

      Hi Moji,
      You can find Aphogee at Casabella Store, the Palm Lekki Shopping mall, as well as a wide range of hair care and beauty products.

  3. omolade
    July 27, 2013 / 8:52 pm

    Hello Moji

    thank you for the compliment. It is much appreciated.

    With regards to your question about your edges , I noticed that you have a lot of products, ensure you are using the products correctly.
    Also please review your techniques as well, for example:
    are you being gentle enough when you comb or brush your hair?
    are your hair styles too tight? do you cover your hair at night? is your scarf you wear to bed tied to tightly? etc Please review your techniques and bear in mind that the edges of even the healthiest heads must be handled very gently.

    With regards to products, I bought a huge stash of products when I relocated from the UK and the products you mentioned are not easy to find in Lagos. I plan to liaise with a few stores to see if this problem can be addressed.

    lastly, the products you mentioned are both protein products, you are a natural lady so your hair does not need as much protein as a relaxed lady my dear. Please ensure you have moisturising products in your stash.

    And good luck on managing the junkie-ism 🙂


  4. sissa
    August 3, 2013 / 1:22 am

    hello thanks for sharing! i have a question. do you use method for speed up the growth?

  5. Sapphira Hayward
    September 8, 2013 / 10:43 am

    Hello. I’ve been transitioning to natural for over a year now and my hair growth has been slow!! Still is. After finally reading up on things to do I realize I wasn’t keeping my hair moisturized. During the whole year of transitioning, I wore wigs and sew ins only. Without the moisturizing and sealing. I didn’t do the big chop or keep it moisturized good and I’m thinking that’s the problem? Is it possible to wear sewins and wigs too much since your hair is always braided? Also what are the calabar braids you’re referring to? Thanks! This was very helpful info as I am a wig junky also!

    • omolade
      September 9, 2013 / 10:20 am

      Hello Sapphira

      Congrats on the transition to natural hair.

      Lack of moisturising will not slow down your hair growth rate. The rate or speed of our hair growth is genetically predetermined. There are things that you can do to ensure you are getting your full growth potential such as having a good diet, drinking enough water, regular scalp massages, etc. These will help ensure you attain your full genetic ally determined growth rate.

      Lack of moisturising can lead to breakage. And this should be avoided. your hair should be moisturised even when you are wearing a wig, weave or braids.
      I wear box braids ( calabar braids)under my wig and I moisturise by spraying the box braids very lightly every morning. Please see My Hair Regimen for more details of my wig regimen.

      I think it is possible to wear sewins( weaves) and braids too much because such styles can put a lot of strain on our hairlines and are usually very tight when freshly created. Wigs on the other hand don’t put that type of strain on your hair however you MUST take care of your hair under the wigs. Again look at My hair regimen to see what I do with my own hair.

      I hope I’ve answered your question effectively.

      Let me know how it goes.


  6. Tolu
    October 11, 2013 / 11:32 am

    Hi, A quick question pls. Do you deep condition in the braids also or do you loosen after shampooing?

  7. omolade
    October 13, 2013 / 7:21 pm

    hello Tolu,

    No I don’t loosen the hair to apply the deep conditioner. I braid my hair before shampooing and I don’t loosen the braids until after the deep conditioner has been rinsed off and I am about to apply my leave in conditioner.


  8. melissa
    October 14, 2013 / 7:39 pm

    Great regimen! Do you deep condition every 3 weeks after your shampoo when you are wearing your wigs? Or do you deep condition every week without shampooing? Also what are your thoughts on no lye relaxers vs. lye relaxers?

    • omolade
      October 25, 2013 / 9:17 pm

      Hello Melissa

      When I am wearing my wigs I wash and deep condition every three weeks.

      With regards to lye vs no lye relaxers, I’ve written a three part series about relaxers which can be found on the blog home page.
      My advice is to pick which the one that is better suited to your scalp and hair.
      Personally I use a Lye relaxer because this is what works best for ME.


  9. Erica
    October 15, 2013 / 4:48 pm

    Hello love you blog. I been on my HHJ since the beginning of this year. I did a major cut due to the fact that I tried to texlax my hair and every time I do so I end up with some area bone straight, under process or medium relaxed. Because I had some many different texture I went back to bone straight and cut my hair ear length. I am not happy with the bone straight I relaxed my hair back to texlax at 14 weeks and 5 days post relaxer. I am currently 7 weeks post relaxer at shoulder length and I am having a problem with shedding and breakage!

    In the cold month I would wear a upart wig so my question is: When you mist you single braids under your upart wig do add oil to seal in the mositure mist that you just applied?When you remove you unit at night do you mositure and seal?

    • omolade
      October 25, 2013 / 9:22 pm

      Erica, I must say I am impressed with your perseverance on your journey. Its a bit tricky initially but please keep on trying, wishing you the best of luck with it.

      With regards to your questions, when I am wearing my wigs and I mist my hair lightly in the mornings I don’t seal. I only do a full moisturise and seal about twice a week.

      when I remove my unit at night I don’t moisturise and seal. I simply cover my single braids with a scarf and I head to bed.

      hope that has cleared things up.


  10. Serena
    October 17, 2013 / 5:07 am

    Can you recommend a website I could visit to teach me how to do calabar braids. I “Googled” it but it wasn’t really too helpful. I use three strand twists or plaits to achieve the curl that I lie in my hair. I guess my question is: How are calabar braids different from ordinary plaits?

    • omolade
      October 25, 2013 / 9:25 pm

      Hello Serena

      Calabar braids are the same thing as box braids or single braids/plaits.
      We just call them calabar braids over here in Nigeria.

      Sorry for the confusion.


  11. Marie
    October 23, 2013 / 2:42 am

    Hmm… I can definitely follow this regimen beviset I’ve grown my hair our using wigs before BUT I don’t think I can go for 3 wks without washing my hair or at least rinsing the braids and cleaning my scalp because I workout 5-6 days/wk.

    • omolade
      October 25, 2013 / 9:41 pm

      Hello Marie

      You are completely right, a hair regimen is personal and each lady should do what is right for her based on her hair type and life style.
      I ve tried to mention on several parts of Hairducation that the information is general and readers must personalise it to suite their hair and lifestyle. so if you exercise 5-6 days a week you should definitely clean your scalp as often as YOU need to.

      although I wash my hair every three weeks ( when I am wearing wigs) I clean my scalp weekly using baby wipes because this is what works for me.

      PS….I have loads of respect for the fact that you work out that often. I should take a leaf out of your book…..:)


  12. Chinyere
    October 24, 2013 / 2:04 pm

    Good work here and I love the hairducation. From your looks, I can say you are a young person but what is your take on hair dyes. I mean grey dyed to black and which is the best way to have lustrous dyed hair?


    • omolade
      October 25, 2013 / 9:45 pm

      hello Chinyere

      Thank you, its a lot of work but I do love it and if its help other ladies then even better.
      with regards to dye hair I would say that if you are relaxed the safest way to colour is via natural methods such as henna used in conjunction with indigo to achieve black results.
      I will do a post of this in the future but in the meantime I encourage you to research this. there is sooooo much info out there about this.

      PS henna is also a better option for natural hair than chemical colours.


  13. Vanessa
    January 12, 2014 / 11:11 pm

    Hi Omolade, what do you use to secure the wig onto your head? As I’ve read you take it out at night to sleep, I’m guessing it’s not sewn in. I know there are different wig clips out there so I just wanted to know exactly what you use?

  14. Topinpin
    March 4, 2014 / 11:56 pm

    All I can say is GOD BLESS YOU!

    • omolade
      April 13, 2014 / 11:44 pm

      God bless you too 🙂

  15. Yewande Koyenikan
    March 16, 2014 / 7:01 pm

    Thank God! I thought I would see your shelves loaded with so many hair products. You didn’t however show the kind of relaxer that you use…

  16. Donna
    March 25, 2014 / 6:30 pm

    Hello Lade, thanks for sharing,i want to try out your regimen. I cudnt get ORS uplifting shampoo & creme of nature. could u recommend another sulphate free shampoo? thanks. also, I got African gold castor oil I dunno if its good, wat do u tink?

    • omolade
      April 13, 2014 / 11:48 pm

      hello Donna
      The Elasta QP shampoo in the picture above is sulphate free. You can always search on google for more sulphate free shampoos.

  17. Donna
    March 25, 2014 / 6:56 pm

    is ORS replenishing conditioner a deep conditioner?

  18. Dolapo
    April 4, 2014 / 6:53 am

    Hey Lade,
    Thank you for sharing your hair regimen. Being a beginner I was so confused on what works and what doesn’t. There are so many websites that tell you to do pretty strenuous things. Seeing your website and the growth you have achieved shows me that it’s just about caring for your hair and nothing too outregous. You are a big inspiration. Naija 4 life :D! Lol

    • omolade
      April 13, 2014 / 11:50 pm

      Hello Dolapo

      Thank you soooooo much and best of luck on your hair journey.

  19. Sisimi
    April 12, 2014 / 5:35 pm

    Thank you for your informative and educative posts. I started my hair journey last year October by reading so many posts on blogs, you tube and more. I’m glad to say, My hair has greatly improved. I wrote to you asking about the wig but my mail keeps bouncing back, I hope I get a reply soon.

    Keep up the good work.

    • omolade
      April 13, 2014 / 11:52 pm

      Thank you very much Sisimi. I am glad your hair is improving. I will send you about the wigs soon.

  20. Ashley
    April 27, 2014 / 2:13 pm

    is air drying with hair rollers ok or by air dry you mean hair left out to dry and thats it?

  21. nneka agwumaro
    July 24, 2014 / 12:02 pm

    Please where can I get the Elasta QP shampoo.checked all my fave sites but nothing yet….and I rily nid a moisturising shampoo

  22. July 30, 2014 / 2:22 am

    Hello Lade. Thank you so much for this hairducation. I am really inspired to go on this journey. I wanna ask what you think of hair vitamins like hairfinity and manetabolism and to whether or not i can use them alongside your prescribed hair regimen for my hair? Thank you.

    • omolade
      August 8, 2014 / 11:02 pm

      Hello Yosola

      Thanks for the compliments 🙂
      I hope you have a great start to your hair journey.

      Although I am not against taking hair vitamins as part of a hair journey, I do not believe it is essential for a hair journey to be successful. I personally never took any hair vitamins through out my hair journey but I know ladies that do. I prefer to try to give my hair all the nutrients it need to grow well be TRYING to eat right and exercise regularly although I do not follow any form of strict diet.
      Choosing to use vitamins is a personal decision. If you do decide to use vitamins, check with your doctor that the ones you want to use are appropriate for you.
      hope that helps

  23. Tobi
    August 26, 2014 / 11:21 am

    Hi Omolade,

    I have been reading your posts for almost 5 days now to help me get prepared for my hair growth journey, and it has been really informative..thanks so much.
    However, when I went to the store yesterday, I could not get any of the listed moisturizing conditioners so I opted for the SHEA MOISTURE INTENSIVE HYDRATING conditioner (its also sulfate free) . Is that okay too?
    Also, I am in the US at the moment and would like to know if there is any extra regimen I need to incorporate as I don’t want to wear wigs for a while.


  24. Adunni
    September 18, 2014 / 8:49 pm

    Thanks lade for this information, it’s life changing. I want to know if you rinse out your hair after you deep condition with heat for 30mins after washing, before u apply your leave-ins. Thank you.

  25. Natsai
    November 8, 2014 / 7:39 am

    Hie Lade
    I have been reading your blog for a while now and have decided to try growing my hair using wigs, I have hairline damage from wearing weaves back to back, I have natural hair. What I wanted to find out was what fabric was your wig cap when you wore a full wig, I am in Zimbabwe and the wig caps normally on sale are stocking/nylon material. I am worried the friction from nylon may defeat the purpose. IA friend said I could find a satin wig cap, still hunting for one though. Will a stocking cap cause any damage?

  26. Ib
    November 18, 2014 / 3:53 am

    Hi Lade
    Your blogs have done a lot of us much good! Thanks very much for all the time and effort you put into informing & responding to us.
    Like most, Im beginning my healthier hair journey & Im currently hunting down “vision partners” (compatibile products..Lol) for my hair
    I have used ORGANIX keratin conditioner in the past & found it lush!, complying with my hair.
    Now theres d MACADAMIA OIL, COCONUT OIL, ARGAN OIL…etc. Shampoo & Conds.

    Post-texlaxing & for my fortnightly hair TLCs (wash/cond etc), please which key ingredient will u recommend for my thick often dry hair, particularly in the cold climate Im in?
    Also, when u braid hair to wash&cond, does hair fully wash out (squeaky clean)?

    Thanks much!

  27. Mirabel
    December 9, 2014 / 11:21 am

    Lade, thanx so much, your site has been very helpful to me as am beginning my hair journey. A quick one, how do i care for my new growth? This is quite a challenge to me since my new growth seems very dry hence, making my hair shed a lot… pls help
    Keep doing your good works and stay blessed…

  28. Dee
    January 25, 2015 / 1:35 am

    Thank you for an excellent and workable hair regimen. I was about ready to give it all up and go back to ignoring my hair for a month cos it certainly grew better then than it did when I decided to start this hair palava. Instructions like, wash your hair everyday, don’t use shampoo, always wear box braids as those are protective – all failed miserably and hurt my hair. I’m not worried though, it’ll all grow back better soon. I want to reiterate that question, should I look for a satin wig cap? Next would sew-ins really hurt my hair?

  29. Ada
    February 9, 2015 / 11:31 am

    Just visiting your blog for the first time, and I’ve gleaned a whole lot of info. Thanks. I did the big chop about 6 months ago and want to go purely natural. I’ve been really disappointed at its slow growth, and I’m now wishing I hadn’t taken such a drastic step. I use sulfate free shampoos and conditioner (shea moisture and tresemme naturals). I also moisturize with cantu and coconut oil, but I find that the coconut oil doesn’t seem to absorbs, it just “sits” on the hair. Please help!!! I also use wigs a lot. But my hair is too short to get away with “calabar braids”, can I do cornrows instead??

  30. Daniella
    February 15, 2015 / 12:59 am

    you have inspired me to take care of my hair and provided me with such useful information thank you!! but i am such a begginer,I was wondering what day of the week do you do your shampoo and deep conditioning and do you shampoo and condition on the same day?

  31. sabrina
    February 15, 2015 / 7:35 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I have been struggling with my shoulder length hair for years. When I read your story finally it all are sense to me. I will start my hair journey using your advise. I do have two questions:
    1. How often do you trim your split ends? I have to trim every 3 to 4 months now because my ends are dry and brittle.
    2. What protective style did you use when your hair was shoulder length? How do you wear going to sleep?

  32. Clare
    February 19, 2015 / 5:52 pm

    Thank you for sharing your hair journey 🙂 its wonderful seeing your progress it gives me hope. I was wondering when you moisturize and seal do you use one leave in and one oil? I ask because I’ve been using the S curl, the cantu shea butter and the black castor oil everyday and my hair is starting to feel greasy. Don’t know if I’m using to much product. Or if I should only be using one leave in. Your feedback would be appreciated.

    Thank you,


  33. bylie
    February 28, 2015 / 3:08 pm

    i love your hair regimen, u might have just changed my life <3

    • omolade
      May 6, 2015 / 10:28 pm

      Just seeing this.
      thanks Bylie


  34. Honeyteey
    April 27, 2015 / 10:40 pm

    Please what’s your advice on braiding your hair with attachments?

  35. Esther
    May 9, 2015 / 11:40 pm

    I was thrilled to stumble on your blog!!!
    Your blog is extremely helpful. I’m African with a very kinky hair curl type and tangles easily. I texlax my hair and try to stretch post relaxer 4 months but it has been such a struggle to wash my hair. How do I wash and condition my hair while in calabar plaits without tangling my hair please?
    Many thanks.

  36. Lanke
    June 8, 2015 / 4:18 pm

    Hello lade, your post is really informative, thanks. I have been confused as to transitioning to natural or texlaxing, after seeing what you have achieved with texlaxing, am leaning towards it. For texlaxing, am i to use any relaxer and just add oil to it? I normally use profective. Thank u

    • omolade
      July 2, 2015 / 12:00 am

      Hello Lanke

      Thanks for your comments and sorry for the late response. For my texlaxing I use a normal strength Lye relaxer and weaken it by adding two teaspoons of olive oil to about half of the relaxer jar.
      I have written detailed posts on texlaxing which I am sure will help. you can find them by entering “texlax” in the search area at the top right of the blog home page.
      Hope that helps

  37. Weslyn
    June 19, 2015 / 8:16 pm

    Hi, my question is, I relax my hair every 8 weeks. Every time my hair needs to be relaxed it start to break letting me know it’s time to relax again. What can I do to avoid breakage to extend the length of my relaxer. P.s my roots get really hard and so t hick that I can’t see my scalp, really making me want to relaxer my hair !

    • omolade
      July 2, 2015 / 12:05 am

      Hello Weslyn
      Your hair breaking is not necessarily a sign that its time to relax your hair. Your hair may need more regular deep conditioning, or you may have to adjust how you handle your hair when you have a lot of new growth. The way you care for freshly relaxed hair isn’t the same way you need to care for hair that has a lot of new growth. You have to keep your new growth hydrated and stretched out.
      I have written a blog post on stretching which I am sure will be of help to you. You can find the posts by using the search button on then top right of the blog home page.
      hope that helps

      • July 25, 2015 / 11:30 pm

        omlade please do you have dandruff?

  38. Fola
    July 16, 2015 / 10:29 pm

    I love your blog. Im Nigerian and my hair is natural and very thick and tough I always wear wigs n braids. I was wondering whether you ever struggled with knots and hard to comb hair. What can i do to soften my hair and what’s a suitable washing routine. What’s the difference between using a texturiser and texlaxing. Did you ever try a texturiser ?I’m finding my hair very difficult to manage.


    • omolade
      July 31, 2015 / 1:41 pm

      Hello Fola
      I have struggled and still struggle sometimes with tangles and hard to comb hair. I work on my hair in small sections and finger detangle to remove knots and tangles first before combing.
      Texlaxing is the done the same way as relaxing but you don’t let the hair become completely straight before rinsing out the relaxer. I have never texturised my hair.
      Your may be better able to manage your hair if your take the time to learn a bit more about haircare by reading through the information on this blog and other websites as well especially those for ladies with natural hair only.
      Best of luck

  39. KudiB
    July 21, 2015 / 5:05 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to create this site. I started my hair journey about a year ago. I have seen some progress however I have an issue with wearing wigs. I have always had issues with my edges and wearing wigs has not alleviated the issue. How do you protect your edges? I have considered wearing a sewn in weave as my protective style but I like being able to moisturize my hair daily, which wearing a wig offers.

    • omolade
      July 31, 2015 / 1:04 pm

      Hello KudiB

      I only wear u part wigs so my edges are always exposed. I take extra care when wearing and taking off the wigs. I ensure I don’t let the hair on my edges become dry and brittle. I moisturise and seal the hair I leave out daily, I also wash and do a quick conditioning session (no heat) on the hair I leave out weekly.
      I do not use straightners or harsh brushes on the leave out hair….I use a small sized comb to blend my hair very gently.
      I basically step up the care of the hair I leave out to prevent hair loss at my edges.
      hope that helps

  40. Shannon
    July 22, 2015 / 3:29 am

    Hi, this blog is very informative! What do you use to secure the ends of your calabar braids and do you know the differences in using a relaxer and a texturizer? Also, when preparing to wash your hair after the 3 week period of wearing wigs, do you detangle your hair after taking the braids out or just begin washing? Thanks!

    • omolade
      July 31, 2015 / 11:41 am

      Hello Shannon

      I don’t secure the ends of my calabar ( box) braids. when get towards the ends of the braids I do a twist.
      When I am washing at the end of the 3 week period I undo the 22-24 box braids, detangle and remove shed hairs and then put my hair in 10-12 large box braids for my wash day.
      If I don’t unravel the 22-24 box braids and simply wash them I find that my hair matts severely.
      A relaxer is designed to straighten hair whilst a texturiser is supposed to loosen the hairs curl pattern.
      hope that helps

  41. Yiza
    August 5, 2015 / 12:46 pm

    I might have gathered that seeing a little hair come off on your wash days might be normal (I don’t think mine is a little though). I wonder if it’s just the shed hairs or breakage. Hence my question; will my comb ever be hair free on my wash days? Though am still early in the journey… About 3 months into it and I might have done a few teeny things wrong but… will it?

  42. cola
    September 2, 2015 / 1:49 pm

    do you use a wig cap to secure your braids under the wig?

    • omolade
      September 17, 2015 / 7:07 pm

      Hello cola
      I put the box braids into one big cornrow and wear a wig cap over it.
      Sometimes I pin down the box braids and wear the wig cap over them.

  43. Lasa
    September 7, 2015 / 8:34 am

    Hello Omolade,
    I want to take better care of my hair. Do I just start the journey where I’m at or should I cut off all my hair and start from scratch? I’m feeling so frustrated with all the hair set-backs I’ve had especially because of hair salons. Waste of my money, time and hair. Right now it’s quite short because the hair dresser recommended she trim my hair and basically cut half of it off after it was relaxed bone-straight. Where to from now?

    • omolade
      September 17, 2015 / 7:15 pm

      Hello Lasa
      A lot of ladies have a trim as a kick start to their healthy hair journey.
      Some cut their hair. That is a decision for you to make for yourself.
      Is your hair breaking badly and severely damaged. if it is then maybe a cut will be the best. However if your hair is in a salvageable state them maybe a trim and a few months of deep conditioning is what you need. So just assess your hair do what you think is best for your hair.
      Hope that helps and I wish you the best of luck on your hair journey.

  44. Loide Fernandes
    September 20, 2015 / 9:20 am

    Hello Lade,

    Once again, I’m Loving tour blog very much. I have read your regime now, but I wanted to what was your regime when you started. Now you have much longer hair and you have to decide you hair in braids in order to wash it, just one example. For people like me that is just starting, what did you do with your shorter hair? Did you just wash it? Did you moisturize daily and sealed your hair daily as well? These are just some of my questions.
    Thank you

  45. Sandra Wilson
    September 23, 2015 / 6:24 pm

    Was wondering how you mix the cantu shea butter and the s curl together for daily moisture. I love your blog just came across it today and i feel i have learned so much any advice for older women’s hair growth with dry brittle hair.

  46. Helene
    November 28, 2015 / 5:22 am

    Hi lade, I have been really inspired by you. So I’ve already my hair care journey. But I have one question. Can I use the organic root stimulator moisturizing hair lotion as a moisture leave in conditioner? Thank you ????

  47. clare
    December 29, 2015 / 12:50 am

    Thank you for sharing your hair journey 🙂 its wonderful seeing your progress it gives me hope. I was wondering when you moisturize and seal do you use one leave in and one oil? I ask because I’ve been using the S curl, the cantu shea butter and the black castor oil everyday and my hair is starting to feel greasy. Don’t know if I’m using to much product. Or if I should only be using one leave in. Your feedback would be appreciated.

    Thank you,


  48. zainab
    January 19, 2016 / 7:01 pm

    Hi,I’m about to also start my hair journey I really love long hair….are all the products you are using available in nigeria?

  49. Catherine
    January 27, 2016 / 10:48 pm

    Will the regimen work on someone who doesn’t want a relaxed hair?

  50. Sarah
    February 17, 2016 / 6:06 pm


    Thank you for all the tips. In regards to the products, would using just one of the multiple mentioned still work. For example, you list two kinds of shampoo or do you mix them?

    Thank you! 🙂

  51. Salem
    March 1, 2016 / 12:26 pm

    Hello ,

    Loving your blog , i have been ablevto understand how to takecare of my hair. I have a question plz. I got MOTIONS OIL MOISTURIZER DEEP PENETRATING SILK PROTEIN CONDITIONER as part of my new hair regimen but am a little confused as to deciding if its a mositurizing conditioner or protein …..

  52. JuliAna
    March 6, 2016 / 12:03 am

    Love your wig regimen I’m starting it today. Thank you

  53. JuliAna
    March 6, 2016 / 12:03 am

    Where can I order your wigs

  54. Abiola
    March 15, 2016 / 10:29 pm

    Greetings Lade,

    Welldone! What do you think about ‘Organics by Africa’s Best’ Products. l was deceived into buying their No Lye Relaxer. (l mean l erroneously purchased the product instead of ORS). The two relaxers have identical packages.

    Would you know if Organics By Africa’s Best Relaxer is equally good?

    Thank you for your time.

  55. jemie
    March 24, 2016 / 1:34 pm

    thank you, this is helpful

  56. amanda
    May 6, 2016 / 7:23 am

    Hello,i want to start my hair journey. My name is amanda.i was wondering what my first step should be. Should start up with relaxing this horrible hair or just shampooing.

  57. Natalie
    May 28, 2016 / 1:48 pm

    Hello I was wondering since I don’t have hair to braid, should I wear a wig cap under my wig? I wear wigs daily, I’m trying to grow my hair back?

  58. Brenda
    July 11, 2016 / 3:09 am

    Thank you so much for this information , very educational , I’m starting my journey tomorrow

  59. Onyinye
    August 12, 2016 / 9:31 am

    Lade, thanks for the post. Pls where can I buy these products especially the moisture base conditioners. After relaxing my hair, I used cantu deep conditioner twice a month and cantu leave in conditioner daily for 5weeks, when I losed my hair, it was very light, weak and easy to break. Pls I need ur help

  60. Deja
    February 9, 2020 / 7:40 pm

    Did u ever wear braids of any kind(box braids, passion twists etc) while u were growing ur healthy hair? If so what type and how long. What was ur process..if not would u recommend to others?

  61. Mercy
    January 2, 2022 / 2:18 pm

    Wow, this is very educative

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