Hello ladies
And somehow we find ourselves at the end of another year.
God has been good and we are blessed to make it to this day. I have a lot to get off my chest about 2016 which I will do in a separate post because I didn’t want to write it in a rush.
This short post will be the final of the bun of the month series that I started this year. It’s no secret that I am bun obsessed due to my chronic hair styling laziness but I decided to push myself a teeny tiny bit and at least come up with some not so basic buns for this series.
So you may know I promised you an epic bun finale this month…. well I failed ladies, yes I failed….. well maybe not completely.
I felt inspired by the many gravity defying styles I had been seeing on the likes of Lupita and blogger/vlogger Chime Edwards and decided to create my own version…..which I did.
Unfortunately I created the style on a day I had many appointments and didn’t have enough time to take decent pictures or get the style to look neat enough before I had to dash out. I figured I would recreate it in December.

The effects of harmattan, dry and brittle hair!!!! this and a lot of new growth made styling a tad bit difficult. Ps I have clothes on in this picture, my hairs just covering it 🙂
When I finally got round to it in December the change in weather (harmattan) and a LOT of new growth meant my hair was not having any of that. My hair is supper stiff and just not compatible with styling at the moment.
As a very small compensation I do have one of the blurry pictures I took of the gravity defying multi bun.
My final bun of the month therefore is a somewhat basic two-strand twist bun. I hope you’re not too disappointed.
As we end 2016, I have to say thank you all so much, for your attention, your time, your messages, your kindness and positive vibes, for being a part of my journey and allowing me to be a part of yours in this small way.
Here’s to happy hair journeys in 2017 but more importantly, to happy and healthy lives.
Learn | Change | Grow
Hi Lade…informative blog u have…ders sumtin wich confuses me abt protective styling and wearing of wigs wyl on a hair journey…on ur post on moisturising nd sealing u sed one has 2moisturise nd seal hair (especially hair ends) everyday if jus starting her hair journey bt on protective styling u sed the main reason for styling hair protectively is to prevent hair from tangling;it is suposd 2b easy enuf to make,firm enuf 2last 4some days to prevent daily restyling and sud be able 2enclose d ends of hair…bt my questn is how can one moisturise nd seal daily if not by loosing d hair…wunt one always av to undo d protective styles alredi done on her hair anitym she wants to moisturise nd seal?…if so,dat mins she wud av to restyle hair everyday…pls i’d really lyk u to clarify that
My question on wig is related 2d one above…when moisturising nd sealing,does one have to loose the braids or you can apply d oil wyl still on d calabar braids…anoda questn i’d lyk u 2ansa is-wich dyu recommend beta 4a lady just starting her hair journey to practice mor;the wig wearing or protective styling…am tinking wig wearing wud prevent as much hair loss as in protective styling of natural hair
I’m caucaision. I wear weaves though. My hair is just slow to grow. When some of it dies it thins out so much. I haven’t cut it in two years but I feel I’m getting g nowhere someday.i should have alot more hair than I do. I practice all the advice please help.
Hello Chi
Thank you so much for stopping by. I wish I could give you certain advise but in all honesty majority of my knowledge is based on afro textured hair ( natural or relaxed)
I can say that you should have had a trim as two years is a long time to not have had a cut. By now your ends would have become a little weathered and a trim can help keep your hair looking good and prevent breakage in the long run.
I also know that conditioning is everyone hair types best friend but I am unsure of which type of conditioner you need.
Sorry I couldn’t be of much help.
Hello Lade, i love your blog. god bless you and thank God for inspiring you with this knowledge to help us. i lovvvvvveeeeeeee our hair. i look at it and am deeply encouraged on my hair journey. I have learned so much and know that one day soon my hair will be like yours. thanks girl and keep up the fabulous work
Nelly…..thank you….so so so much for the compliments.
I really do hope that you actually start a hair journey and that your hair blooms
I will try…and probably should be trying hairder…to keep Hairducation going