It’s been two weeks since I relaxed my hair and I did what I said I would. I trimmed my hair.
I was getting so attached to the 20 inches and I knew that if I didn’t grab the scissors and cut it on the spot I would eventually chicken out. So I found my hair scissors and cut off two inches.
Its crazy that after the trim, the 18 inches I have left feels a bit shortish. I realise that it’s probably just my perception….and that I am being a little silly. Overall I am very happy that I finally got a proper trim.
What I do love about the trim is that my hair looks and feels fuller.
I will put up updated length pictures after my next wash day early next week.
…bunning 100% of the time and making sure my hair is moisturised and sealed heavily.
As noted in my previous posts relaxers can be traumatic to our hair and scalp. For the first two weeks after relaxing you should do very little styling with your hair and give it loads of TLC.
The first two weeks after I relax, I show my hair love by wearing very basic styles that require little to no combing. I also make sure my hair is hydrated by moisturising and sealing daily.
Having said that, it is now two weeks since I relaxed so I will probably do some sort of style with it soon. I will try to put up the style pictorial up tomorrow.
Blog posts about how to incorporate hair care and wearing extensions will be up next week. This is very important as majority of us wear extensions majority of the time so it is essential that we know how to care for our own hair whilst wearing extensions.
So I hope you’ll be back soon.
Learn| Change |Grow
I’m having trouble with bunning. I want to keep my hair in it for days but I don’t feel like the moisture is getting to my ends.
Hello Destini
Perhaps you can try moisturising and sealing the ends of your hair without undoing the whole style. I am not sure of the exact type of bun you wear but if it is a simple bun you should be able to access your ends very easily.
Hope that helps
Though this is an old post, I would like to know how u trim. What length, when hair is wet or dry, what method eg with the hair in a pony or in 4sections or twist runs sections and trim all ends that aren’t in place then the tips?
Hello Ceca
I don’t really have a set way of trimming my hair. I just assess my ends and trim what I think needs to come off. I try to trim in sections. I actually want to improve my trimming methods as its all over the place at the moment.
Hi Lade! I recently came across your blog & just Like you,I’ve been obsessed with hair as far back as I can remember. I’ve tried Alot of hair products but They just don’t seem to work! A week ago I decided I was cutting it for good until a cousin of mine directed me to your blog. Seeing the pictures & reading your posts,I want to start my hair journey too..Right now my goal is just armpit lenght! but who knows Lol I might just go further.. I wanted to make enquiries on alternative products I could use cuz going tru ur hair care products I’m in a location where I can’t get them, so is there like an alternative I can use?! I’d really be happy if you could be of assistance.. Thank you so Much.. X!